This is part one of the two-part show, and it is deep. Host Jeremy Vaeni, his long-time former broadcast partner (and soon-to-be author) Jeff Ritzmann, and returning guest “Marie” talk about their experiences in ways rarely heard on podcasts like these. Prepare to think differently. This is the last scheduledread more

In a paper briefly published on a NASA server in mid-September, Google detailed the outcome of a computer experiment wherein a quantum computer solved a computational problem that would otherwise have been practically impossible for a traditional supercomputer to have performed, and in doing so having achieved a milestone knownread more

Russian scientists believe that a piece of decorative glass that sat in the bottom of a schoolteacher’s fish tank for the past 35 years might have been a part of the meteor that caused the Tunguska event, a multi-megaton explosion that occurred over Russia’s remote Tunguska region in 1908. Ifread more

Jimmy Church, host of Fade To Black, joins Whitley in an about face: Whitley does the interviewing, Jimmy does the talking! Last week, thanks to Jimmy and John Greenewald of the Black Vault, the US Navy announced that the videos released through To The Stars in late 2017 and carriedread more