The excitement is sky-high for the upcoming total solar eclipse that is due to occur on August 21, 2017, and along with major events such as this come safety concerns regarding observers’ eyesight, as looking directly at the sun — even when much of it is blocked as it is over the duration of an eclipse — can cause permanent damage to the viewer’s eyes. read more

The maestro himself, Whitley Strieber, returns to talk about the dark forces trying to sabotage his life and the Unknown Country website. Where do they come from? What do they want? And what is in us that can render them impotent? This episode, we’ll peel back the curtain on the dark hearts among us to see what beats at their center.
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Trish and Rob MacGregor return with Beyond Strange—reports of extreme high strangeness that are well documented and often involve trained observers.

Dreamland is about exploring the credible edge of strangeness and this show fits the bill in spades. The reason is that, DURING THE SHOW, Trish and Rob and Whitley realize that one of the phenomena they are talking about occurs all over the world but has never been understood before as a unique high strangeness phenomenon.
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The Federal Bureau of Investigation is currently investigating what appears to be an attack on U.S. diplomats working in Cuba involving a covert sonic weapon. Last fall, a number of diplomats with the newly-opened U.S. embassy in Havana began to suffer an unexplained loss of hearing, forcing many of the afflicted diplomats to return home for medical treatment. Diplomatic ties were re-opened between Cuba and the U.S. in 2015, following decades of tension between the two countries.
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