The mysterious lights appearing over San Ysidro, California on the night of April 28th have been identified by the photographer who took the shot as the lights of an array of television antennas. Mystery solved. For more information, click here. No doubt the military didn’t comment because they had nothing to say, and NBC 7 pulled its video because the mistake became apparent. Join the club, NBC7 and don’t be embarrassed! There’s always a risk in reporting on the unusual, as we know all too well on this website. The important thing is to tell it like it is: when a mystery is solved, it’s solved.
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I’ve been thinking again about angels. Actually, I think about them a lot. A big part of the reason is that both Whitley and I have had angel experiences. I have written about the angel I saw in a Kinko’s a few years back. He told Whitley that ‘your wife will live a long time and you will taste of the water and the wine." If he was referring to the parable of the Marriage Feast at Cana, and how it symbolizes a good marriage, then we certainly have tasted the sweetness of the water and the depth of the wine.
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Researchers report that for the first time, they are finding areas of extremely low oxygenated water, called "dead zones" off the coast of Africa. The dead zone just measured contains less oxygen than any previously recorded. Dead zones are so named because, low in both oxygen and salinity, within them fish cannot survive and suffer massive die-offs, especially when dead zones approach coastal areas. Virtually no sea life can survive in the one just found off the coast of southern Africa, and, unusual for these formations, it is moving, destroying all life in its path.
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There is almost no sane, truthful information in the general media about modern Wicca and its deities, so this week we delve deeply into the story of the Celtic Goddess Brigid, mother, daughter, healer, warrior, goddess of magic. We talk to Courtney Weber, priestess, author, activist and practicing witch in New York City. You can find her on and
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