A helicopter and a USAF jet have been spotted chasing UFOs in Orange County, California. Want to know why we don’t have contact? Simple. We shake our spears at them. As long as we continue to act like primitive tribesmen, they will continue to treat us as such.
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People are pouring in to see the latest ‘bigfoot’ allegedly shot by Rick Dyer, who says he’ll release the scientific evidence "when I’m ready." But not today. Or soon. Or, more probably, ever. Dyer was implicated in a bigfoot hoax in 2008, but claims that this time, his aim was true.

Whitley Strieber comments: "You want an audience? Simple. Lie. You’ll sell out the house every time. Tell the truth, though, and you’ll have four people in the room. Thing is, those four people will be really worth knowing."

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US Luger Kate Hansen taped a wolf wandering the hall of her hotel in Sochi. It could be a pet, but it is definitely a wolf, not a dog. There will be spin, however, and the wolf is likely to be recast as a nice old dog. No matter, it sure looks like a nice old wolf. Hopefully nice, anyway. (Are lugers edible, your Out There editor wonders.)
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