This is typical of ‘slow fall’ UFOs. It appears to be a meteor, but it’s moving far too slowly. It could be a jet with its contrail foreshortened by the angle at which it is being observed. It could also be something unknown.
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This video is a hoax. How do we know? Well, there are a number of answers to that question, and if you send one of the correct ones to, you’ll get a chance to win a free copy of the new Alien Hunter audiobook. So, Out There fans, many of you are pretty darn sharp, let’s see some action here!
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Military pilots reported a low-flying triangular UFO flying just 500 feet overhead. It was evening, but there was enough light in the sky for them to observe it in detail. It had no vertical stabilizer and had a row of pulsating white lights along its trailing edge. Flying with it was a smaller craft.

One witness said that he could see seams in the dull black material the object was made of, but no regulation anti-collision lights.

The description is similar to hundreds of others about dark colored, low flying slow triangles, and another example of how these objects just don’t go away, and neither are they explained.
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An Australian pilot photographed this object from the ground. It is too brightly and evenly lit to be a radio controlled device such as a homebuilt drone. The sighting took place last night in Caloundra along Australia’s Sunshine Coast. The pilot told the Sunshine Coast Daily, "I have heard of and seen many, many things over the course of my career…but nothing like this."

We agree. This strangely lit object looks somewhat like a plane, but the intensity of the lighting qualifies it as presently unknown. The pilot wishes to remain anonymous. For more, visit the Sunshine Coast Daily.
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