This video is a reminder that the huge conehead skulls of Peru are not explained. They are structurally different from normal human skulls and they contained 25% larger brains. Who were they? What were they? You can be sure of one thing: the scientific establishment does not care to find out. Nobody has the courage to tell the truth, which is that they do not appear to be human.
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This Walt Disney documentary introduced by Disney CEO Michael Eisner was shown in only 5 cities before disappearing without a trace. It is scripted as if there is an expectations that aliens are going to land any day. It never went anywhere. Obviously, the expected landing never took place, either. Something was anticipated in the nineties. It never happened. Nevertheless it’s a fascinating artifact of what was probably part of a plan to prepare us for contact.
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There is nothing about this video that suggests that it is a hoax. This unknown object was recorded in Bulgaria a few nights ago. The one thing that stops your Out There editor from declaring this gold-standard genuine is that the YouTube poster regularly posts UFO video. While certain people are known to attract the attention of UFOs, it is unusual for a single individual to have so many sightings. Once or twice in a lifetime yes, but not every few weeks. Still, the video does appear genuine.
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