Andy showed up at the grocery store, and now Joe has shown up as well.

We go to a local discussion group on Tuesday nights, and right now we’re reading and discussing the mythologist Joseph Campbell. The last time we were there, Whitley kept seeing a man in a 3-piece suit and fedora standing in the corner. He was curious because this outfit was very UNlike what the folks in the discussion group wear.

He gradually realized the figure was Campbell, who had "dropped in" from the dead.

He mentioned this to the group and discovered that ANOTHER person had seen the same mysterious figure.

I wonder who will "show up" next?read more

There has been a UFO wave ongoing in Scotland for months, and now some good photos have emerged. Basically, the wave consists of witnesses seeing unexplained lights. The image here suggests an object that was moving extremely quickly.
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What if more women were in leadership positions? Things still wouldn’t be perfect, but things might be better: for one thing, we would probably have less war. Women often experience life differently, and that experience affects the way they see–and solve– problems.

The BBC News quotes Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, as saying, "With diversity you bring different ways of looking at the world, different ways of analyzing issues, different ways of offering solutions. The sheer fact of diversity actually increases the horizon and enriches the thinking process, which is critical."
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Bunions bothering you? How about lower back pain, or impacted wisdom teeth? As we humans evolved to walk on two legs, grow larger brains and shorter jaws, bear big babies and live longer, we’ve also experienced some negative consequences on our way to becoming the world’s most successful primate, at nearly 7 billion strong.
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