GM crops such as corn, which are being grown around the world for both human and farm animal consumption, include a virus gene that could be poisonous to humans that has not been tested for safety.

A new study by the European Food Safety Authority(EFSA) reveals that the international approval process for GM crops has failed to identify this gene. As a result, we don’t know its impact on human health.
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In January, the polar vortex broke down. This is a mass of air that normally rotates around the North Pole. It will often break down in late February or early March, which is what causes very cold arctic air to slide south and collide with warmer air beginning to move up from the south. This results in blizzards and northeasters in the US northeast and the Canadian maritimes. However, this year, it broke down earlier than ever before observed, which is why so much cold air has appeared further south than normal.
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This is documentary was produced by the Walt Disney Company in 1995. It only appeared in 5 states, and was then shelved. It has been something of a legend, and has now appeared on YouTube. How long will it be before Disney claims copyright, and it’s gone again? Watch while you can.
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For years, people have been clipping NASA footage from the space shuttle and the ISS that show strange lights and moving objects. For Whitley Strieber’s 1999 NBC special Confirmation, a NASA spokesman was asked to watch the famous STS-80 video, and said, while looking at some of the most amazing such footage ever made, "I don’t see any evidence of UFOs here." Now, NASA admits the truth: they don’t know what these objects are, and have been observing them for years. One has to ask, what about the footage that HASN’T been released to the public?
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