The Indian press is reporting that an unknown object appeared over the Reliance Industries oil refinery in Jamjagar, India. Photos were taken and the sightings were reported to Indian authorities by Reliance officials.

PMS Prasad, Reliance Executive Director, wrote to the Indian Minister of Petroleum, "On 24 January 2013 around 8.30 pm, one unidentified bright object, perceived to be of the size of a volleyball, was seen hovering over the refinery. It was seen to circle four times before disappearing. It could have been treated as a one-off occurrence, however the morning of 27 January again witnessed the same phenomenon between 6.30 and 7.00 am. Process cameras installed in the refinery caught some images."
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This object taped over McAllen, Texas on January 23 could be a plane, but if so it has a very unusual pattern of lights. Still two strobes are visible. However, UFOs often strobe as well. Probable unknown
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We understand why we perspire when we’re exercising–as our sweat evaporates, it cools off our body. But why do we sweat so much when we’re under stress? And this is the really stinky kind of sweat, the kind we apply deodorant to try to stave off.

And we’re under more stress than ever: Americans spent almost $3 billion on deodorants and antiperspirants in 2011, an increase of 13% from 2008, when the current recession first hit.
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Research on an ancient lunar rock suggests that almost 4 billion years ago, the moon once had a molten, core of liquid metal that generated a strong magnetic field.

The Daily Galaxy quotes planetary scientist Benjamin Weiss as saying, "The moon has this protracted history that’s surprising."

In 1969, the Apollo 11 mission brought the first lunar rocks back to Earth as souvenirs from Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin’s historic moonwalk. Since then, scientists have studied them for clues to the moon’s history. They soon discovered that many rocks were magnetized, which suggested that the moon may have harbored a convecting metallic core that produced a large magnetic field, now recorded in the moon’s rocks.
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