GM crops such as corn, which are being grown around the world for both human and farm animal consumption, include a virus gene that could be poisonous to humans that has not been tested for safety.

A new study by the European Food Safety Authority(EFSA) reveals that the international approval process for GM crops has failed to identify this gene. As a result, we don’t know its impact on human health.

Biologists Nancy Podevin and Patrick du Jardin discovered that 54 of the 86 GM plants approved for commercial growing and food in the US contain the viral gene, which is known as "Gene VI’." These crops are fed to farm animals that produce the meat, milk and eggs that humans eat. Can the virus be transferred to us this way? (The solution may be to eat like the upper-class Chinese).

In the January 21st edition of the Daily Mail, Sean Poulter quotes researcher Pete Riley as saying that the discovery of this gene, "totally undermines claims that GM technology is safe, precise and predictable. This is a clear warning the GM is not sufficiently understood to be considered safe. Authorization for these crops must be suspended immediately, and they should be withdrawn from sale, until a full and extended review of their safety has been carried out."

Poulter quotes a review of the EFSA research from Independent Science News as saying, ‘This situation represents a complete and catastrophic system failure. There are clear indications that this viral gene might not be safe for human consumption. A reasonable concern is that the protein produced by Gene VI might be a human toxin. This is a question that can only be answered by future experiments."

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