There is quite a UFO flap going on in Myrtle Beach, and this appears to be an excellent example of video from the area. It appears to be authentic, despite the fact that it has been posted on Third Phase of the Moon.
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Peter Sterling has become one of the world’s great harpists. He was inspired to learn the harp by his contacts with what he regards as angelic beings. Here he tells us his remarkable story and discusses the use of music as a means of connecting with higher realities, and especially the ancient instrument we call the harp, which creates harmonics that can assist in accessing these realities.
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Crows are mighty smart birds: They share with humans (MOST humans, anyway) the ability to recognize faces and associate them with negative, as well as positive, feelings.

Researchers documented this by having some people feed captured crows while wearing negative masks, while others fed them wearing positive masks. In, Sandra Hines environmental scientist John Marzluff as saying, "The regions of the crow brain that work together are not unlike those that work together in mammals, including humans. These regions were suspected to work in birds but not documented until now.
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