This is probably one of the strangest stories we have ever posted. The reason is that there is every indication, from night vision to blurred vision in daylight, that this child has tapetum lucidum in his eyes, the same material that enables animals to see in the dark and also causes their eyes to glow at night when a light shines on them. The human need for ultra-clear vision during daylight has caused our eyes to evolve away from those of animals. While some primates have tapetum lucidum, this child’s eyes would appear to be absolutely unique in the human world.
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This nicely produced mini-documentary purportedly shows a video made by two boys at three o’clock in the morning from a window of their home. The boys are interviewed, and a view from the same window during the day reveals nothing that could have been responsible for the lights. But how is it that the video production group, identified here as SoSick Graphics, obtains so much UFO video? They have many other videos on their channel. Where do they get them? How is it that members of the public know to go to them when they are all but invisible, buried in YouTube? There are many UFO channels like this on YouTube, all loaded with UFO video seemingly taken by the public. Unknowncountry attempts to communicate with all of them. We offer UFO video to more