Do you have bad breath? It may not be because you ate too much garlic, it may be because you’re SICK. It’s one of the main indicators of gum disease, but bad breath has a more serious side too.

If your breath smells like nitric oxide, you could have asthma. If it smells like carbon, you could have stomach ulcers. Doctors can recognize telltale patterns in the way your breath smells that will make them investigate whether or not you have lung cancer.

Acetone breath indicate diabetes from ketosis (which means you’re not absorbing enough glucose). Ammonia breath could indicate kidney disease. People with liver disease have breath with high levels of carbon dioxide.
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In tough economic times, the Presidential election is practically handed to the other party. What happened this time? I think women made the difference.

Woman make up the majority of voters in this country, so it’s always a mistake to alienate them.

First of all, a Republican made a major gaffe: Republican representative Todd Akin used the unfortunate term "legitimate rape," and said that women have a biological reaction to rape that makes rape victims unlikely to get pregnant.

And Indiana Senate candidate Richard Mourdock (another Republican) added the final touch by saying said that pregnancies resulting from rape are part of God’s plan, that they were "intended to happen."
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Many UFO reports come from Azerbaijan, but they are rarely mentioned in the west. Unfortunately, the video associated with this report is not available, but the report, if accurate, clearly identifies an unknown object. Russian missile tests are sometimes visible in the area, but this does not appear to be such a test.
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