We’ve warned you about this before: Hot dogs are dangerous! But just in time for Memorial Day cookouts, we have good news for you: They’re not as dangerous as they used to be.

The addition of ascorbate (vitamin C) or its close relative, erythorbate, and the reduced amount of nitrite added in hot dogs, mandated in 1978, have been accompanied by a steep drop in the death rate from colon cancer–more people having colonoscopies may be the cause of this. However, the incidence rate for colon cancer has apparently not changed much since 1978–is eating hot dogs partly to blame?
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There have been a large number of UFO sightings reported in New Zealand over the past two months. One man even reported seeing a UFO land.

The New Zealand Herald quotes UFO researcher Suzanne Hansen as saying, "He’s a very credible source. He saw an object that had landed and said it was definitely not an aircraft or like anything else he had seen.

"I’ve got 30 (UFO) reports on my desk at the moment from the upper North Island and Northland from the past couple of weeks that we’re yet to process. It’s unprecedented."
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Another video from New Zealand, one of the world’s many current hotspots. I have not given this to our video experts, but it would not be hard to fake. I am relying on the seeming sincerity of the poster. Mr. S. asked him a question: why did he happen to have his camera running overnight? If he answers, I’ll add it to this post.
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