This video of a group of pink lights could be an unknown object, but it could also be lights on towers or smokestacks. It would be helpful to have another video of the same location taken during the day. It is not candle lanterns.
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The person who shot this video is convinced that it is not a lens reflection or lights associated with the oil rig he was on near Gonzales, Texas.
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This brief video of a cluster of lights moving over a Missouri highway is probably an authentic unknown. The lights are not balloons or sky lanterns, and probably not an aircraft unless it has been intentionally equipped with illegal lighting in order to perpetrate what would seem to be a very trivial hoax.
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Date of Sighting/Encounter (if known): November 22, 2011
Time of Sighting/Encounter (if known): between 2:30 and 3am
Location of Encounter: In my back backyard on the North side of Milwaukee WI USAread more