There is no reason to doubt the authenticity of this video, and the object is not displaying legal illumination.
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I read "The Help" when it was first published a couple of years ago. For those who don’t know, the book is a pre-Civil Rights story about white southerners in the heart of the South and their black maids (one of whom exacts a wonderful revenge for her mistreatment).

After I finished the book, we took one of our frequent trips to San Antonio. I took the dust jacket along so I could show to my friends at the Reading Club I had belonged to there and urge them to read it, but when I arrived at the meeting, ready to make the recommendation, I found that everyone there was ALREADY eagerly reading it.
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When you’re talking to someone, if you REALLY want to know what they think, watch their body language. And if you want to be their friend, MIMIC it.

The benefits of body-language mimicry have been confirmed by numerous psychological studies. Gentle mimicry can act as a kind of "social glue" in human relationships. It fosters rapport and trust. It signals cohesion. Two people who like each other will often unconsciously mirror each other’s mannerisms in subtle ways–leaning forward in close synchrony, for example–and that strengthens their bond.
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