Revelations will repeat Jay Weidner’s extraordinary interview for a second week. DO NOT MISS getting the free alchemical text Jay says is the finest ever written. Download it from We can learn the deepest secrets of alchemy right now, and Jay Weidner guides us on the journey. Could it be that there were people in the past who created and drank the elixir of life and understood and used the philospher’s stone?
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Pollution isn’t good for us, and if you were exposed to organophosphate pesticides while pregnant, your kids may have lower IQs. One of these pesticides is malathion, which is commonly used on houseplants.

And FISH are suffering from pollution too! A new study finds that zebra fish exposed to a commonly-used flame retardant called polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) during early development can cause developmental malformations, changes in behavior and death, and if this happens to zebra fish, it’s likely to effect some of those lovely fish we like to eat as well.
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But it’s not a place, it’s a pill. Researcher Linda Partridge claims that by taking a single pill every day from middle-age on, we will grow old free from illnesses of the body and mind such as Alzheimer’s and heart disease. We may even be able to avoid gray hair! In the Daily Mail, Fiona Macrae quotes Partridge as saying, "I would be surprised if there weren’t things within ten more