More exciting discoveries from the Kepler telescope: A planetary system of the kind never seen before, with two planets in the same orbit around their star. They circle their sun every 9.8 days, one of them ahead of the other. In the night sky of one of the planets, the other planet must seem like a constant light, almost a second sun (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show).
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Milk may be dangerous in Japan, but are fish and chicken safe for US to eat? They’re great diet foods, and fish is usually very healthy (depending on how you cook it), but we keep hearing that some kinds of fish contain mercury. Mercury contamination, a worldwide environmental problem, has been called "public enemy No.1" in California’s San Francisco Bay, and scientists have finally discovered where all that mercury is coming from.
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Why would the British Ministry of Defense choose to hide this document in their secret UFO files if there wasn’t something in it? Was this a message from a dying world 80,000 years ago, or from earth in 2012, sending a warning back to 1998. Probably, it’s pure fiction, but within a very few years, we could be sending such a message ourselves.
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