Since your voting habits are genetic, it shouldn’t be surprising that your sleep habits are too. Ever wonder why some people breeze along on four hours of sleep when others can barely function? It may be in our genes. In a new study, 92 healthy adults without a specific gene variant were compared to 37 healthy adults who HAD the gene variant but did not have any sleep disorders. All of the participants came to a sleep laboratory. For the first two nights, they spent 10 hours in bed and were fully rested. The next five nights they underwent chronic partial sleep deprivation, and were only allowed four hours in bed per more

As you get ready to vote, reflect on this: According to new research, liberals may owe their political outlook partly to their genetic make-up, because political ideology is affected not just by social factors, but also by a dopamine receptor gene called DRD4.

When researchers asked 2,000 subjects about their politics, then took blood samples from them, they found that people with a specific variant of the DRD4 gene are more likely to be liberal as adults, but ONLY if they had an active social life as teenagers.

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