What if the Roswell Incident didn’t involve the crash of an extraterrestrial spacecraft, but rather was an example of secret terrestrial technology? As the author of Majestic, Whitley Strieber would fall into the group who believes that the debris found represented ET technology, but what if that is NOT true, and something very different took place?

Listen as Joseph Farrell outlines the audacious hypothesis that Nazi technology was involved at Roswell – and that the possessors of this technology are still keeping it secret, and that they represent nothing less than a hidden superpower on earth.
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For our subscribers, Jim Marrs has a stunning discussion about the possibility that, while Germany was destroyed during World War II, the Nazis not only were not destroyed, they survived in possession of huge economic resources and technology so powerful that it has enabled mankind to create a presence off-planet – a presence that has become a hidden intermediary between our own earthly governments and an extraterrestrial presence.

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken links.read more

New Whitley’s Journal – There are always surprises in store for you at unknowncountry.com. In Whitley’s new journal, he writes about a powerful dream that may be a premonition of what the Grays are doing here.

Anne Strieber had the final word in Whitley’s dream and she has started a series of special interviews, just for subscribers, with abductees and experiencers, so if you want to know what contact is REALLY LIKE, don’t miss this incredible group of interviews!

Art credit: Dreamstime.com

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

From dead cows – Haven’t we had enough problems using animal parts from dead cows? Now a company wants to increase meat production by cloning dead cattle.
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