Don’t shoot–I’m working as fast as I can! Workaholics are like alcoholics–only the ones who have recovered talk about it. One of them calls this “the best-dressed problem of the 21st century.”

With a shortage of jobs, workers who are still employed are running in place. Bryan Robinson says, “I used work to defend myself against unwelcome emotional states–to modulate anxiety, sadness, and frustration the way a pothead uses dope and an alcoholic uses booze.” Now Robinson tries to help other workaholics, but in a society that places high value on work and lauds individuals for their strong work ethic, getting workaholism recognized as a real, dangerous problem has been an uphill battle.
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And gives birth to a BIG one! – An “ice island” four times the size of Manhattan has calved from a glacier in Greenland. The last time the Arctic lost such a large chunk of ice was in 1962.

The Petermann Glacier, the parent of the new ice island, is one of the two largest remaining glaciers in Greenland that terminate in floating shelves. The glacier connects the great Greenland ice sheet directly with the ocean. The new ice island has an area of at least 100 square miles and a thickness up to half the height of the Empire State Building.
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We know we should eat our vegetables, but we have to be careful not to inhale them. A Massachusetts man who was rushed to the hospital with breathing problems discovered that there was a pea plant growing in his lung.

Since Ron Sveden thought he had lung cancer, he was relieved at the diagnosis. Since peas are actually seeds, one of them embedded itself in his lung after it “went down the wrong way” and sprouted there, eventually growing to half an inch in size.

BBC News quotes Sveden as saying, “One of the first meals I had in the hospital after the surgery had peas for the vegetable. I laughed to myself and ate them.” But he was careful not to inhale them.
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in West Virginia – Futurist, friend and Dreamland guest (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show) John Petersen returns to the Fairfax Coffeehouse on Wednesday, Aug. 18 16 6:30 pm. The Coffehouse is located at 23 Fairfax St. in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia. Petersen will lecture and answer your questions about the coming changes on our horizon.
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