What if the Roswell Incident didn’t involve the crash of an extraterrestrial spacecraft, but rather was an example of secret terrestrial technology? As the author of Majestic, Whitley Strieber would fall into the group who believes that the debris found represented ET technology, but what if that is NOT true, and something very different took place?
Listen as Joseph Farrell outlines the audacious hypothesis that Nazi technology was involved at Roswell – and that the possessors of this technology are still keeping it secret, and that they represent nothing less than a hidden superpower on earth.
This interview touches on such things as the ghost rocket that was recently seen over Newfoundland, to the implications of what Gary McKinnon found on NASA’s computers, and why the US government will stop at nothing to imprison him forever.
In the interview, Whitley mentions the ghost rocket story that appeared on Unknowncountry.com onJune 3, 2010 , and you can read it here.
Subscribers can also listen to Joseph Farrell’s previous Dreamland interviews, and to Linda Moulton Howe’s 2006 interview with Gary McKinnon.
Joseph Farrell’s website is GizaDeathStar.com.
NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken links.
Subscribers, to watch the subscriber version of the video, first log in then click on Dreamland Subscriber-Only Video Podcast link.
I’d sure like to hear the
I’d sure like to hear the subscriber section interview of Mr. Farrel by Mr. Marrs, but it appears the link to it on this page is missing. Is it possible to place it here? Thanks, jc
I’d sure like to hear the
I’d sure like to hear the subscriber section interview of Mr. Farrel by Mr. Marrs, but it appears the link to it on this page is missing. Is it possible to place it here? Thanks, jc
where the hell is the
where the hell is the subscriber interview! please put it up-it’s been almost an entire year-come on!!!
Hi Whitley,
I’m looking for
Hi Whitley,
I’m looking for the follow-up interview with Joseph Farrell to NAZI’S AND ROSWELL on 8/14/2010