But in a different way this time – Here’s another cataclysm that wiped out much of the life on earth in the past: multiple impacts from comets and asteroids sent up dust that blocked out sunlight, causing a major food shortage. Could this happen today? NASA is trying to make sure it doesn’t by spotting asteroids BEFORE they strike. But it might not take a space rock to cause famine toda–climate change might do it instead, n HALF of the world, anyway.

Astronomers all over the world now are trying to make sure this never happens again. NASA admits they haven’t always done this: in BBC News, Laurence Peter quotes Don Yeomans as saying, "It’s getting much more predictable. Before 1998 we hadn’t found many and didn’t do much follow-up."
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With the same type of fiber optic cables used in telecommunications systems, researchers have developed a way to detect and pinpoint the excavation of tunnels during times of war, such as those used for smuggling weapons into Gaza. So is it possible they could help us locate Bin-Laden too? Another terrorist threat is still high on the list of possible US catastrophes.
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Cops! – A British policeman has compiled a file of over 300 UFO sightings by cops in the UK for the last 6 years, although he has reports of UFO sightings going back as far as 1980. We have received lots of Communion letters from police and Linda Howe talks about many police sightings in her weekly reports. Like reports from military personnel and pilots, these sightings are especially convincing.
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…but somehow familiar – Something that not everyone knows is that an odor of rotten eggs can signal a sudden outsourcing of methane gas, due to global warming. Well, that smell has been in the St. Louis area recently.

Authorities say that it’s not dangerous and it?s NOT a natural gas leak. In the January 26th edition of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Carolyn Tuft quotes St. Louis Fire Department Captain Robert Keuss as saying, “On Sunday, we responded to 20 calls all across the city and that was just from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m? It doesn’t have that natural gas smell to it. The smell has hit a pretty widespread area, but no one has been able to determine its origin.”
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