Is the current economic collapse actually a terrorist attack? Whitley Strieber saw it coming but now he thinks it has to do with MORE than just finances. In his latest Journal, he writes: “There are rumors floating around the beltway that the credit crisis was intentionally triggered by gigantic short sales that were orchestrated in London and Dubai, and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared “that ‘the American empire’ is nearing collapse and should end its military involvement in other countries.”

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There are rumors floating around the beltway that the credit crisis was intentionally triggered by gigantic short sales that were orchestrated in London and Dubai, and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared “that ‘the American empire’ is nearing collapse and should end its military involvement in other countries.”

At the same time, as reported in the Newsletter and on, the 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team will be deployed to the US mainland beginning on October 1 for 12 months. The brigade will have the most advanced nonlethal weapons in the army’s arsenal. It is trained in crowd control and how to deal with massive terror assaults, such as nuclear attacks.
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Whitley Strieber will be making his last speaking appearance of 2008 September 26-28 at the Bay Area UFO Conference. He will not appear again until the Dreamland Festival next year, so this is a golden opportunity to listen to one of the most stirring and powerful speakers you will ever hear. He and Anne will also present a special talk about the many letters they have received from experiencers like YOU (and they don’t always agree on how to interpret them!) For more information, click here.

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But they CAN heal themselves! – Plants are pooped?they probably won’t soak up any more carbon dioxide as the planet continues to warm. They’ve got to concentrate on healing themselves too: they make their own “aspirin!”

Some grassland that was being tested absorbed less CO2 than usual for two years following temperatures that were unusually hot?they way the world will be in the future. A lot of governments are hoping to curb global warming by planting trees and saving the rain forests, but this may not be effective.
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