New research finds that a national campaign’s anti-drug TV ads failed to convince young children and teenagers to stay away from marijuana and actually might have ENCOURAGED some of them to try smoking pot.

Researcher Robert Hornik says that the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign?s TV ads from 1999 to 2004 “either had no effects on kids or possibly had a boomerang effect.” The US Congress created the anti-drug campaign in the late 1990s and gave almost $1 billion to it through 2004. The taxpayer-funded campaign continues to create anti-drug advertising today.
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Every January, Dreamland?­s resident prophet John Hogue comes on the show and prophesies for the new year, and every July??usually??we have him back on and hold his feet to the fire. This year we waited, because so many of his prophecies appeared to be coming true??and, indeed, it was worth the wait. So get set for one incredible, totally amazing Dreamland as we listen to his ACTUAL WORDS as recorded last January, and then to the way events have unfolded since. As for the future, he CALLS THE MARKET BOTTOM! Then Linda Howe has an update with Trends Journal prognosticator Gerald Celente, who NAILED the present economic catastrophe on Dreamland last year.
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Jim Marrs asks the question, given that the UFOs that disrupted the electronics on the Minuteman missiles in North Dakota did so by using electromagnetic pulses, and the human brain is sensitive to such pulses, could they also do things that affect our minds? This provocative question begins his interview with Robert Salas, which evolves into a powerful discussion of the motives of the operators of the UFOs, and those of our government in keeping their presence here secret. Robert also tells a frightening story of an attempt by the Air Force to get him to discuss the matter with a psychiatrist, which he feels would have led to his being labeled as more

One of the world?s leading experts on bankruptcy and economic upheaval, who has recently testified before the House Ways and Means Committee on the bailout, shares his thoughts about the economy and what is wrong with it with subscribers.

Jay Westbrook is the Benno C. Schmidt Professor of Law at the University of Texas and the author of ?The Fragile Middle Class? about Americans and Debt, and ?As We Forgive Our Debtors,? about bankruptcy law. Professor Westbrook offers sharp insights into our present economic dilemma, and innovative ideas about what we need to do to fix this crisis.
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