We’re not only polluting the earth: In the process, we’re polluting our children. Scientists think that pollution may be the cause of disabilities and diseases like Parkinson’s, autism, attention deficit disorder and cerebral palsy.

Jeremy Laurance writes in the Independent that “chemical pollution may have harmed the brains of millions of children around the world in what scientists are calling a ‘silent pandemic.'” Some of the worst pollutants are lead and mercury, but there are over 200 chemicals that are known to damage the brain, even at low levels of exposure.

In LiveScience.com, Charles Q. Choi quotes environmentalist Richard Fuller as saying, “[Pollutants] cause an enormous amount of misery and harm, especially to children.”
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According to the National Coalition on Health Care, about half a million Americans traveled overseas last year to have surgery that costs two to three times more in the US. The ironic name for this is “medical tourism.”

In News Target, Jessica Fraser gives an example of this: a 60-year-old Oklahoma woman went to India to have hip surgery that cost around $7,000. The same operation would have clost $40,000 here in the US. With her hotel and airfare, the total cost was $12,000?still less than one-third what it would have cost here in the States. India has many physicians who have trained in the US or the UK. Americans can now even purchase special health insurance that will send them to foreign countries for needed surgery.
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A year after an aneurysm suddenly burst inside her brain, almost killing her, Anne Strieber had a revelation about the Green Man. On the two-year anniversary of her near-death experience, she wrote about becoming an ambassador for the Green Man. Now you can bring this beloved image into your own life, with the Green Man book, which comes with a beautiful sculpture that you can hang on your wall or lay flat on a desk or table. This is the same book and sculpture combination that was given to Anne by time traveler and psychic Starfire Tor. Now YOU can become an ambassador for the Green Man too. It’s one of the special items on our Christmas store.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Archivists for the New Zealand Naval Museum have uncovered a forty year old photograph taken from the deck of HMNZS Royalist during Waitangi Day celebrations in 1965 that shows a saucer shaped object in the sky ahead of the ship. Archivist Paul Restall, who found the photo, has told New Zealand media that the image is integral to the grain of the film negative, and therefore that it was not added to the image after developing. It is not possible to determine the size of the object or its distance from the ship. The photo was found during an archival effort to find photographs for the Naval Museum’s new website, which was launched on October 20.
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