Whitley will be at the West Hollywood Book Fair on Sunday, Sept. 17. He will be on the “Bloodsuckers” panel, discussing his vampire novels The Hunger, The Last Vampire and Lilith’s Dream, from 2:45 to 3:45 at the Comics & Sci Fi pavilion. To learn more, click here and scroll down.

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In his new journal 911 Five Years On: War and Illusions of War Whitley writes, “Something else happened on that day that has virtually disappeared from the media, even from the work of the most thorough analysts.” To find out what he’s talking about, click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Meeting so many of Whitley’s fans at the book signings for The Grays in Seattle, Portland and Los Angeles was a thrill. Many of you wore green and I know you did it in support of me and I thank you so much. The Green Man gets around–in Seattle we visited one of Whitley’s relatives who has just lost her husband. It was a late marriage, after many tragedies, for both of them, and he was a really great guy. I was able to bring her the Green Man message and I hope she took it to heart. Then, when we got home, I found out that the partner of a gay man we know, who was very sick, had just died, so I sent him the message as well.
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Toward the end of World War II, allied airmen reported ‘foo fighters’–bright balls of light–shadowing their aircraft. Betty and Barney Hill saw what appeared to be men in Nazi SS Uniforms aboard the UFO that abducted them. And now Joseph Farrell has discovered evidence that a Nazi secret weapon known as “the Bell” bears a striking resemblance to the UFO that crashed in Kecksburg, Pa., in 1965. Whitley Strieber, Jim Marrs and Peter Levenda COMBINE FORCES in this spectacular edition of Dreamland to interview Joseph Farrell about his findings–and to answer some of the great questions they raise, such as, why did the chief Nazi researcher on the Bell project end up as the director of the Kennedy Space Center in the 1960s?read more