Experiencers have often said that some ETs seem to be “machines that are alive.” Whitley has wondered if this is what at least some of them are, and has included characters like this into his new novel The Grays. Now WE’RE making machines that are alive too!

Scientists are using bacteria to power motors, in a microscopic version of using animals to pull carts. Right now the bacteria are turning tiny man-made machines, but in LiveScience.com, writer Charles Q. Choi quotes researcher Yuichi Hiratsuka as saying, “In far future plans, we would like to make micro-robots driven by biological motors.” In other words, BOTH the machine and the engine will be alive.
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We have too much corn in this country, and we’re subsidizing farmers to grow even more of it. Europe doesn’t use it and South Americans grow their own. If we didn’t feed it to cattle, but let them graze instead, eating meat would not raise our cholesterol levels. Corn, which seems so benign, could actually be considered evil. In the form of high-fructose corn syrup, which is the sweetener in soft drinks and fast and processed foods, it is one of the primary reasons for the type II diabetes epidemic in this country. Now scientists have learned that the fatty acids from corn, which raise “bad” cholesterol levels, actually FIGHT OFF the good fat we get from fish!
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MORE UPDATES – Whitley and Anne will both be signing their books at the Dark Delicacies bookstore in on 4213 Burbank Blvd. in Burbank, CA on Saturday, Sept. 9, starting at 2 p.m.

They visited the University Bookstore in Seattle on Tuesday, September 5, and Powell’s Books in Portland on on Wednesday, Sept. 6. They were delighted to meet and talk with so many fans and in Seattle, they met up with JOHN HOGUE. Anne was thrilled that so many people in the audience wore green.

Whitley will be a guest on the Craig Ferguson Late Late Show on September 12.
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Since 2000, Americans have been getting poorer, and national rates of severe poverty have climbed sharply. The study showing this was not done by a major newspaper or government think tank, but by the American Journal of Preventative Medicine!

They found that the percentage of Americans living in severe poverty?earning less than half of the poverty threshold?grew by 20% between 2000 and 2004, and the proportion of people in higher income tiers fell. The number of Americans living in severe poverty increased by 3.6 million between 2000 and 2004.

Why would physicians be interested in this? Dr. Steven Woolf says, “These trends have disturbing implications for society and public health. The rise in severe poverty is striking children the hardest.”
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