As Whitley Strieber predicted it would in 1999, the Gulf Stream is now failing. It has diminished 30% in strength in just a few years, and it’s impending end raises fears of much colder European weather. As outlined in Whitley Strieber and Art Bell’s book Superstorm, which was the basis for the film The Day After Tomorrow. The consequences could be much more far-reaching and severe if the current should stop suddenly, over a period of weeks or months, rather than slowly declining over years.
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?And not just when you’re trying to fit into pants. Excess buttocks fat, especially in women, can reduce the effectiveness of vaccines, painkillers, contraceptives and anti-nausea drugs that are typically injected there.

Australian doctor Victoria O. Chan made a study of 50 patients, half of them men and half women, ranging in age from 21 to 87. All received medicine by intramuscular buttock injection and all were scheduled for CT scans.

The researchers injected the medicine along with a milliliter of air and then did a CT scan to establish the location of the air bubble and the medicine in order to spot whether the medicine landed in the muscle, where it could be absorbed, or whether it remained lodged in fat.
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Prince Charles once described a modern building in London as resembling a gigantic toaster. Many people say they do not like modern architecture, and one reason for this may be that often form doesn’t follow function.

When you look at the exterior of a building, can you tell whether the building is a city hall, an art museum, a library, or a live theater? According to a new study, most people can’t.

Residents of three different cities were shown pictures of city halls, libraries, art museums, and live theaters in a distant city and asked to guess which of those four uses applied to each of the buildings. They were correct only 32% of the time, which is not much better than random guessing, which would have led to correct answers about 25% of the time.
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It has sometimes been dismissed as a New Age cure, and animal rights people sometimes complain that it’s not good for the dolphins, but it turns out that swimming with dolphins really does fight depression better than drugs and lasts longer, according to doctors.

Researchers allowed a group of patients to swim and snorkel with dolphins in a two-week experiment. Three months later, they were still experiencing lasting benefits and did not need medical treatment.

Dr. Michael Reveley thinks that dolphin therapy is thought to stimulate the nervous system through emotional engagement with animals and the natural environment. He says, “It has the potential to bring alternative clinical strategies to the treatment of emotional disorders.
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