One of the most amazing things ever recorded by Whitley Strieber. First, he tells us who he thinks is going to come through to him via Carole’s reading. Then she comes on, totally unaware of what he has just said–and proceeds to have a stunner of a direct hit on Whitley’s mother. There follows as deeply moving and powerful a listening experience as we are likely to have.

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Renowned medium Carole Lynne tells us how to get a good reading from a medium. This wonderful medium knows just what you need to do to insure that you find a genuine medium and get the most out of your reading.

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken more

Earth’s Future Climate author Henry Willis explains why the intense activity on the sun is so important–something that scientists are afraid to say and the media therefore ignores. DO NOT MISS this hard-hitting interview that covers everything from sunspots to the increasing speed of the polar vortex to the hidden oil crisis and the message of Atlantis.

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken more

On Saturday, Nov. 8 a rare Grand Sextile of Planets will take place during a total lunar eclipse. This extraordinary astrological and extremely positive event has not occurred in at least six thousand years, and is occasion for meditation and celebration worldwide. Get up to speed by listening to this Dreamland special and visiting Be ready to open your mind and heart at just the right time on Saturday!

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken more