Ghosts are haunting a police station in Kentucky and a government building in Australia. Kentucky cops are experiencing the usual strange ghostly phenomena, but in Australia, they’re seeing the apparition of a nun.

In Shelbyville, Kentucky, cops hear mysterious footsteps on the stairs, see doorknobs turning with no one on the other side and experience strange hot zones in an air-conditioned room. They finally called the Scientific Investigative Ghost Hunting Team (SIGHT) in Louisville, Ky. Ghostbuster Steve Conley says, “About 99% percent of the time we do find natural explanations for exposed activity. Here in this building it’s under renovation and there are some loose windows and some new doors installed that may be attributing to the activity occurring.”
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Shanghai, China’s largest city, is literally sinking because too many big buildings have been constructed there during the building boom of the last ten years. Skyscrapers made of heavy concrete and steel have been built over an area that was originally a drained swamp, and some of them may have to be taken down.

Rupert Wingfield-Hayes writes in BBC News that 3,000 high-rise buildings have gone up in the last decade and another 2,000 are in the planning stage. These plans may change, however, if the city sinks below the level of the Huang Pu river, which would cause constant floods. Some of the buildings still standing may have to be torn down and replaced with smaller, lighter weight construction.

Big changes will have to come, or it may be our final more

A cloning scientist created “human/cow” embryos, containing DNA from both humans and cattle, which lived for several weeks and could have been implanted into a woman’s womb.

Jonathan Leake of The (U.K.) Sunday Times writes that Panayiotis Zavos made the hybrid embryos by inserting human DNA into the eggs of a cow. He did it in order to refine his cloning techniques and says, “We are not trying to create monsters.”

The embryos grew to several hundred cells, which is beyond the stage, known as differentiation, in which cells begin to develop into tissues and organs.
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Lucy Pringle’s 2004 crop circle calendar is now in stock. If you receive our free newsletter, you got a special $2.00 off coupon. If you’re a subscriber, you’ll find a $3.00 off coupon in the subscriber section. These make great Christmas gifts, but be aware that we only have 300 in stock?and they’ll go fast!

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