I have recently had a very complicated and, to me, interesting series of events happen in my life that, I believe, relate to something that has been happening to me since I was a child, and which drew me back to San Antonio in the first place.

I would characterize this as a period of heightened awareness, or contact with other levels of reality. Some of it has been really beneficial. For example, about a week after the sequence of experiences was initiated, I woke up one night to find a person standing in our bedroom. After an initial moment of terror, I had the powerful impression that this was Anne?s mother. As she died when Anne was seven, I?ve never met her. She said three words to me: ?Mustang, 1966, fire.? Then she disappeared.
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In Whitley’s latest Journal, he writes about a warning he received that turned out to be real, and his journeys to find the secrets of his childhood. He says, “I woke up one night to find a person standing in our bedroom?She said three words to me.” This is only the beginning of his extraordinary adventure and quest for truth.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

When we wrote that California’s election used flawed voting machines, we got a quick, insightful reply from a “Concerned San Diego County Employee,” who says, “Essentially, the only threat(s) to the voting machines are internal since the machines are not connected to the internet?A number of techniques and procedures can (should) be implemented which can eliminate all but the most sophisticated attacks?An attack would be an ‘inside job’ by either someone at Diebold or the County where such an attack might take place.”

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

In countries which have the highest rates of HIV and AIDS, the Catholic Church has been telling people that latex condoms do not protect against the virus. Cardinals, bishops, priests and nuns are saying HIV can pass through tiny holes in condoms, which is not true. The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned the Vatican that it?s putting millions of lives at risk, since a young person is now infected with HIV every 14 seconds.
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