In Huntsburg, Ohio in late August, Michele Braun and her daughter Stephanie saw a UFO, and captured it on video. She says it looked like “a light hovering above our woods. It would start off like a little ball, like a little white light coming toward us and then it became like a half-circle, a rod.”

Neighborhood kids were sitting around a backyard bonfire, and some of them saw it too. One of the boys grabbed his video camera. The videotape shows a fiery ball that changes shape.

The sighting upset the family dog Rven. Stephanie says the dog was “just like going in circles and then she jumped on my mom; on her shoulder and then on her head. Like it was weird.” Dogs often refuse to enter crop circles as well.
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Uri Harel has produced what he calls “Music from God,” which consists of compositions mathematically derived from the original Hebrew text of the Bible. Harel believes the Bible contains many layers of meaning, and that one of those layers is music.

He says, “We made an astonishing discovery of encoded music in the original Hebrew text of the Bible. Several years of research culminated in findings that may forever change the public’s perception of this popular ancient document, and increase interest in it among people of all walks of life. We have found the key to transforming Hebrew letters into musical notes and have opened the way for a new kind of Bible translation?not into yet another spoken language, but into the universal language of music.”
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Scientists say sex is good for us, and that abstinence should only be practiced in moderation. Having regular sex can help you live a longer, healthier life. Researcher Shah Ebrahim says, “The relationship found between frequency of sexual intercourse and mortality is of considerable public interest.”

Alan Farnham writes in that researchers in Northern Ireland who studied 1,000 middle-aged men over ten years found that men who reported having the most orgasms had half the death rates. This may be due to a reduced risk of heart disease. By having sex three or more times a week, the men in the study reduced their risk of heart attack or stroke by half.
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A town in Peru set up a garbage dump inside the ancient Nazca lines, with heavy garbage trucks driving across the delicate etchings. The mysterious lines were etched into the desert more than a thousand years ago and cover 35 miles with large figures of a hummingbird, a monkey, a whale, a spider and a space alien that can only be clearly seen from the air. The lines were made by the Nazca and Paracas cultures clearing dark rocks on the desert surface to expose the lighter soil underneath.

Drew Benson writes in that after much protest, Nazca Mayor Daniel Mantilla relocated the dump, but they’ve left behind a pile of garbage several feet high, spread over an area 200 yards long and 60 yards wide. They’ve made no plans to clean up the area.
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