An archeologist who spotted what looked like faces carved into a rock in Italy has discovered the world’s oldest art?made not just by a different culture, but by a different species, 200,000 years ago.
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Ohio UFOs are in the news lately, but this is nothing new: thirty years ago, on Oct. 18, 1973, a Army Reserve helicopter almost collided with a UFO near Cleveland.
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Our sale has been so successful that we only have a few copies left of some of your favorite titles. Here are books we have 5 or less of?and for many of them, there’s only one copy left!
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Famed and beloved abduction therapist Constance Clear died this morning in a hospital in Phoenix, from complications arising from injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident a month ago.

Whitley and Anne Strieber and Constance Clear were close friends. Constance was the author/editor of Reaching for Reality, the only book ever written by a group of abductees describing their own experiences. She was a skilled therapist and researcher, and had a powerful healing relationship with her clients.
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