When we wrote that California’s election used flawed voting machines, we got a quick, insightful reply from a “Concerned San Diego County Employee,” who says, “Essentially, the only threat(s) to the voting machines are internal since the machines are not connected to the internet?A number of techniques and procedures can (should) be implemented which can eliminate all but the most sophisticated attacks?An attack would be an ‘inside job’ by either someone at Diebold or the County where such an attack might take place.”

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

In countries which have the highest rates of HIV and AIDS, the Catholic Church has been telling people that latex condoms do not protect against the virus. Cardinals, bishops, priests and nuns are saying HIV can pass through tiny holes in condoms, which is not true. The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned the Vatican that it?s putting millions of lives at risk, since a young person is now infected with HIV every 14 seconds.
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The colorful Naga fireballs arrive in Laos every autumn, during the full moon at the end of Buddhist Lent. Local scientists think they know what causes the lights, but they don’t understand why they return at the same time every year.
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Siberian scientists have found the well-preserved furry limb of a mysterious creature that might be the legendary Yeti. The paw was found frozen in permafrost, high up in the remote Altay mountains. Like the Alps, the Altays are becoming warmer and melting, exposing the preserved bodies of frozen people and animals.

“I turned the limb over and examined the sole of the foot, and I thought it looked unusual,” says mountain climber Sergey Semenov. “So I decided to bring it back with me.”
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