Writer and popular Dreamland guest Andrew Collins tells why he links the recent discovery of the sunken city off the coast of Cuba to the lost city of Atlantis. To read his Insight,click here.

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Right now, Israel is on the lookout for scud missiles from Iraq, but in 1993, UFOs were being spotted in their skies. Residents of Kadima and Rishon Letzion reported many sightings of UFOs in the spring of ’93, including some landings. Circles were found on the landing sites, and researchers found silver-colored material in the dirt, as well as a red, oily substance.

Analysis showed that the silver-colored substance was pure silicon, which does not exist in nature. Silicon has been found in a least one implant removed from the body of an abductee by Dr. Roger Leir. Cadmium was found in the oily substance.
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Scientists have long believed that the flattening of miles of trees in the remote Tunguska region of Siberia on June 30, 1908 was due to a asteroid impact with the power of a 50 megaton nuclear bomb. Now a Russian geologist thinks it was caused by a liquid jet that shot up from inside the Earth under high pressure.

The asteroid theory leaves a lot of questions unanswered. No traces of an asteroid have ever been found in the soil. The strength of the blast wave, the radiation burn and the pine-tree mutations all resemble the results of a nuclear explosion, except there was no high radiation.
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A robot video camera sent to investigate a mysterious, blocked door in Egypt?s Great Pyramid of Giza has found yet another door. With audiences in the U.K. watching on live television, the miniature robot crawled 71 yards up a narrow tunnel to explore a mysterious shaft blocked by a limestone door. It drilled a hole in the door and inserted a fiber optic camera. But the robot discovered that the chamber is blocked by yet another door?one that hasn’t been seen for more than 4,000 years.

Tim Kelly, of National Geographic’s television and film division, says, “I enjoyed the moment of discovery. We were not disappointed… we were successful in our mission.” It took National Geographic and the Boston firm iRobot a year to plan.
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