Unknowncountry.com is not a political website, but it does follow the lead of the visitors, and there are two areas in which the new administration appears to be at odds with them.

The first is the environment. The second is human rights.

I have had them in my life essentially all of my life, and, even without knowing exactly what they are, I have accepted their intelligence, their wisdom and their habit of making startlingly accurate predictions.

From them I have learned two things: first, we have wonderful bodies that are capable of growing glorious souls; second, we are in danger of extinction due to environmental decline.

Their primary interest here is in the soul. They want us to have strong souls. They are engaging with us on a physical level, yes, but their larger aim is about the soul, its care, its health and its potential. Their physical presence has many purposes. It is to warn about the danger of extinction or ages long disruption of the environment that will make it next to impossible to build strong souls. It is also to make us look into the enigma that they represent, and face the fact that we do not know much about the universe, and need to engage in a much more serious search, not just of its physical reality, but of larger realities as well.

Just as an aside, I suspect that the primary reason that they don’t “land” or “emerge” is that so many of us are soul blind, especially the very scientists and intellectuals who would be needed to create a useful interface between us. Without a soul science of our own, our intellectuals cannot hope to understand the actual issues involved, so the gulf between them and the visitors is simply too great. (I argue that this is wrong, and that their mere appearance will make people able to sense their souls, as happened to me. But I am hardly the decision maker.)

I am with them in wanting us to survive. To this end, they think not in terms of a year or five years or ten, but fifty thousand, a hundred thousand, a million.

Unfortunately, we are in such serious trouble that the shorter time-frame has relevance right now. We are on the knife edge of radical climate change that will cause almost unimaginable human suffering around the world, and lead to wars, revolutions and mayhem—conditions that do not support the building of strong souls. To do that, we require time for reflection and inner search. You can’t do those things when you are starving or being shot at.

Donald Trump has stated that he believes that global warming is a hoax. It is not. In fact, the situation is extremely serious. As Dr. James Hansen, one of the world’s leading climatologists has pointed out in a recent groundbreaking paper, the superstorm that the Master of the Key warned about in 1998 is a real threat. It happens when a flood of cold water spreads out of a polar sea into warmer waters further south in the northern hemisphere or further north in the southern. It is so powerful that any infrastructure it touches is destroyed.

As there are situations now at both poles that could cause such a flood, and the oceans are rapidly warming, this is a real possibility. Worse, it is one that will appear suddenly and unexpectedly. We are much better preparing as best we can for the possibility rather than pretending that it’s a hoax.

However, Mr. Trump is a complicated man and it’s not at all clear that he believes what he said in order to get himself elected. On December 6, 2009 a letter was published in the New York Times by a group of business leaders urging President Obama to take a hard line at the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen and make the US a leader in the movement to reduce emissions. The letter stated, “If we fail to act now, it is scientifically irrefutable that there will be catastrophic and irreversible consequences for humanity and our planet.”

That letter was signed by, among others, Mr. Trump and two of his children. So will he continue in his new role as a climate change denier? Only time will tell.

In any case, Unknowncountry stands with the visitors on climate change and will continue to do so.

With regard to the soul, the visitors make enormous efforts to preserve free will.
As an example of the importance of this to them, they chose me to represent their interests here not only because I would do this and had a reasonable chance of doing an adequate job, but also because I was not a social authority of any kind. I am not a distinguished scientist or intellectual. I’m a novelist and a minor one at that. There is absolutely no reason to believe me. One can turn away or not, as one wishes.

This means that freedom of choice is preserved. If they had chosen Stephen Hawking or Sir Martin Rees, things would be different. People would be compelled to believe. But because their advocate is an undistinguished man, they don’t have to.

However, their concern with free will means to me that we need to ask ourselves a question: how do we encourage freedom of choice and foster conditions in which people are able to engage in deep inner and outer search?

We do that by promoting freedom at the most basic level. We do not do it by flirting with people who promote racist agendas and beliefs, even to the point of welcoming them into the political administration of a country that is philosophically dedicated to the idea that all men are created equal, and which has constitutionally preserved the right to pursue liberty and happiness.

This country was by far the most deeply engaged with the visitors. Unfortunately our government misunderstood their motives early on, and started shooting. The result was that they made a direct appeal to the common man. Responding to that appeal is what my life is about, and I will stand against any political or legal position that curtails liberty or prevents happiness, and that means that I will be opposed to letting racists into government.

So, where does this leave you and your relationship with Unknowncountry? I hope that, like me, you stand with the visitors on behalf of protecting our environment as best we can and insuring freedom for all.

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  1. Thank you Whitley for this
    Thank you Whitley for this entry. Many of us simply feel utterly helpless, powerless to effect any meaningful change. Whether or not HRC was the ideal candidate, she was the better of the two, that much was obvious. Climate Change was barely debated, instead we had asinine moments of idiocy. Trump is a con man, and he tapped (unknowingly,but most certainly)into a long standing and deep rooted fear that many “Middle Americans” carried around with them, that they were in danger of becoming marginalized, overrun by non-whites, non-Christian and non-Americans. Ignore the fact that this country committed terrible wrongs against our original indigenous population, and took over large parts of the continent by force. Yes, it is human nature and we were hardly the first to do so, but we did what we did because we believed God willed it. I seem to have heard some similar sentiments from alt-right conservatives about the left’s evil ways and they were able to falsely link Democrats to great danger from these un-Americans. Now we face a horror that will be here for at least several years. I don’t say that as a reactionary. Instead I say that as someone who is genuinely concerned that an absolute fraud has been perpetrated on our nation and the right will be too proud to admit they are wrong and many will be too embarrassed to admit that they want Trump to do the things he has said he will do. There is a very selfish element to our country, and I suspect that the top 1% are willing to risk catastrophe (which they see as an almost non-existent possibility) in order to make more money. Trump masquerades as a Christian and while I cannot see what is in his heart, his past actions are enough for me. Too bad that many of the people who elected Trump(the middle American) will be the ones who suffer greatly from his incompetence and ritual dishonesty.


  2. Thank you Whitley for this
    Thank you Whitley for this entry. Many of us simply feel utterly helpless, powerless to effect any meaningful change. Whether or not HRC was the ideal candidate, she was the better of the two, that much was obvious. Climate Change was barely debated, instead we had asinine moments of idiocy. Trump is a con man, and he tapped (unknowingly,but most certainly)into a long standing and deep rooted fear that many “Middle Americans” carried around with them, that they were in danger of becoming marginalized, overrun by non-whites, non-Christian and non-Americans. Ignore the fact that this country committed terrible wrongs against our original indigenous population, and took over large parts of the continent by force. Yes, it is human nature and we were hardly the first to do so, but we did what we did because we believed God willed it. I seem to have heard some similar sentiments from alt-right conservatives about the left’s evil ways and they were able to falsely link Democrats to great danger from these un-Americans. Now we face a horror that will be here for at least several years. I don’t say that as a reactionary. Instead I say that as someone who is genuinely concerned that an absolute fraud has been perpetrated on our nation and the right will be too proud to admit they are wrong and many will be too embarrassed to admit that they want Trump to do the things he has said he will do. There is a very selfish element to our country, and I suspect that the top 1% are willing to risk catastrophe (which they see as an almost non-existent possibility) in order to make more money. Trump masquerades as a Christian and while I cannot see what is in his heart, his past actions are enough for me. Too bad that many of the people who elected Trump(the middle American) will be the ones who suffer greatly from his incompetence and ritual dishonesty.


  3. I allowed myself to feel
    I allowed myself to feel “utterly helpless” and “powerless” for one full day after the election. I embraced the sadness, cried a lot, and my love and I sat around like zombies for most of that day too. Then I realized that I am not helpless, I have much to offer, and if I can’t change the entire world, I can at least improve one little corner of it and continue to pass on the love and kindness. I do not have to be a victim, and I refuse to see myself that way.

    There is a part of me that has wondered for years why I am here at this particular time in our history. The election last week helped clarify that for me. I am simply here to be the best, most loving person that I can be, despite all the crap. I am here to take care of myself, the Earth, and all other living things. I am here to be a student, teacher, and guide. So I am in good company, and a great place to be here at Unknown Country!

  4. I allowed myself to feel
    I allowed myself to feel “utterly helpless” and “powerless” for one full day after the election. I embraced the sadness, cried a lot, and my love and I sat around like zombies for most of that day too. Then I realized that I am not helpless, I have much to offer, and if I can’t change the entire world, I can at least improve one little corner of it and continue to pass on the love and kindness. I do not have to be a victim, and I refuse to see myself that way.

    There is a part of me that has wondered for years why I am here at this particular time in our history. The election last week helped clarify that for me. I am simply here to be the best, most loving person that I can be, despite all the crap. I am here to take care of myself, the Earth, and all other living things. I am here to be a student, teacher, and guide. So I am in good company, and a great place to be here at Unknown Country!

  5. I have had some thoughts
    I have had some thoughts lately, about the nature of reality and life in the Universe. According to Science, the 2nd law of thermodynamics cannot be violated. Entropy increases with time, and cannot be stopped. The thing about entropy is that it is often destructive, and it has a tendency to separate galaxies from one another (through the expansion of the Universe). Entropy might be responsible for our perception of time passing, which may be a surface phenomenon we humans believe we experience because our bodies decay diurnally and we are constantly under assault from forces in our environment. If everything is basically energy, why do we experience pain? Yet, people have stressful lives, eat food that is damaging, and have violent emotions that affect them. Everything wants to apparently break down, so many of us condone violence on Television, violence against animals (which they eat as food), and other assorted types of violence too varied to mention easily. Violence is part of the human experience.

    Time propels us forward, and is seemingly innocuous. But what if it isn’t? What if time is a destructive force in many ways, and we are deeply tied to it? What if entropy and time are the same? I heard Whitley say that Anne mentioned that there are millions of Earth like Farms in this Galaxy alone. She said that in the greater Universe, a civilization destroys itself every second. What drives them to do so? Is it instinctual drives, DNA, or something more sinister and complicated? John Lennon said in his song “Revolution”, “but when you talk about destruction, boy you know that you can count me out”. He may have been more right than he knew, he was a definitely a Man of Peace and Creation. For myself, I do not support violence for any reason. Please protest peacefully if you are going to protest the election results.

    That leads me to a query: can one destroy anything in the quantum realm? Can you, for example, hit a vase in heaven with a mallet, shattering it? In this world, matter is often destroyed to manipulate it, changing it from one form to the next. In the quantum realm, destruction may not exist. A form may simply seamlessly morph into another form, when acted upon by consciousness, without the attendant destructive processes. Entropy may not exist in the quantum realm, everything is interconnected there, there is no division. There may be two types of time, one where it splits into incremental time passage (the ticking of a clock, past, present, future) and a timeless quantum reality where time has stopped and everything occurs at once. I have discussed this idea before on UC. Are we supposed to learn how to morph energy into other forms without mutilating it? Is our ability to do this part of our educational process here on Earth? Are we supposed to become conjurers, manifesters? If there is a place where entropy does not exist, does it sustain the human body and spirit indefinitely because time has no teeth and cannot move forward? I believe there is such a place. The web of Interconnection and Love can reduce the power of entropy in our lives. When we turn to nurturing one another and avoid destructive habits (and time is so very habitual, isn’t it) we can reduce entropy and its influence upon us. If we are ensnared in the cluttering illusion of destructive entropy, we may meet the same fate as those civilizations who also did not peer behind the illusion. Time is a compelling force, and if we must negate its power in order to preserve our planet, we have our work cut out for us.

    I have found that a diet that relies mostly on organic fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, along with certain spices and moderate salt (Paleolithic) increases clear thinking. I call it an entropy reducing diet. Of course, I would not encourage meat eating in this case. Eggs are up to you. Make sure you get adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals and water.

    We can regenerate the world and live here peacefully. But we have to break our addiction to violence. Peace and Love to all of you.



      Time in the brain

      The idea that calendars are literally laid out in space for some people suggests that we are all hardwired to some extent to map time in space.

      The concepts of time and numbers are something we acquired relatively recently in our evolutionary history, says Ramachandran, but the brain wouldn’t have had time to evolve a specific area to deal with it.

      “Given the opportunistic nature of evolution, perhaps the most convenient way to represent the abstract idea of sequences of numbers and time might have been to map them onto a preexisting map of visual space, already present in the brain,” he says.

      Indeed, imaging scans show connections between areas of the brain involved in numbers and those involved with mapping the world, memories and our sense of self. The team suggest that when these areas act together, they enable us to navigate mentally through space and time, while being firmly anchored in the present.

      Ramachandran suggests that for calendar synaesthetes, altered groups of genes may prevent pruning of connections between these areas during development, making the more abstract concept of a calendar mapped in space, for some, a real perception.

      Journal reference: Neurocase, DOI: 10.1080/13554794.2016.1250913

      1. Thanks Carollee, I saved the
        Thanks Carollee, I saved the Graham Hancock link.

        I would say that destruction expands the fabric of space. The unitive confluence has no time or space. Time and space are a package deal, but they don’t have to be. We can move beyond time and space, into mind and spirit.

  6. I have had some thoughts
    I have had some thoughts lately, about the nature of reality and life in the Universe. According to Science, the 2nd law of thermodynamics cannot be violated. Entropy increases with time, and cannot be stopped. The thing about entropy is that it is often destructive, and it has a tendency to separate galaxies from one another (through the expansion of the Universe). Entropy might be responsible for our perception of time passing, which may be a surface phenomenon we humans believe we experience because our bodies decay diurnally and we are constantly under assault from forces in our environment. If everything is basically energy, why do we experience pain? Yet, people have stressful lives, eat food that is damaging, and have violent emotions that affect them. Everything wants to apparently break down, so many of us condone violence on Television, violence against animals (which they eat as food), and other assorted types of violence too varied to mention easily. Violence is part of the human experience.

    Time propels us forward, and is seemingly innocuous. But what if it isn’t? What if time is a destructive force in many ways, and we are deeply tied to it? What if entropy and time are the same? I heard Whitley say that Anne mentioned that there are millions of Earth like Farms in this Galaxy alone. She said that in the greater Universe, a civilization destroys itself every second. What drives them to do so? Is it instinctual drives, DNA, or something more sinister and complicated? John Lennon said in his song “Revolution”, “but when you talk about destruction, boy you know that you can count me out”. He may have been more right than he knew, he was a definitely a Man of Peace and Creation. For myself, I do not support violence for any reason. Please protest peacefully if you are going to protest the election results.

    That leads me to a query: can one destroy anything in the quantum realm? Can you, for example, hit a vase in heaven with a mallet, shattering it? In this world, matter is often destroyed to manipulate it, changing it from one form to the next. In the quantum realm, destruction may not exist. A form may simply seamlessly morph into another form, when acted upon by consciousness, without the attendant destructive processes. Entropy may not exist in the quantum realm, everything is interconnected there, there is no division. There may be two types of time, one where it splits into incremental time passage (the ticking of a clock, past, present, future) and a timeless quantum reality where time has stopped and everything occurs at once. I have discussed this idea before on UC. Are we supposed to learn how to morph energy into other forms without mutilating it? Is our ability to do this part of our educational process here on Earth? Are we supposed to become conjurers, manifesters? If there is a place where entropy does not exist, does it sustain the human body and spirit indefinitely because time has no teeth and cannot move forward? I believe there is such a place. The web of Interconnection and Love can reduce the power of entropy in our lives. When we turn to nurturing one another and avoid destructive habits (and time is so very habitual, isn’t it) we can reduce entropy and its influence upon us. If we are ensnared in the cluttering illusion of destructive entropy, we may meet the same fate as those civilizations who also did not peer behind the illusion. Time is a compelling force, and if we must negate its power in order to preserve our planet, we have our work cut out for us.

    I have found that a diet that relies mostly on organic fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, along with certain spices and moderate salt (Paleolithic) increases clear thinking. I call it an entropy reducing diet. Of course, I would not encourage meat eating in this case. Eggs are up to you. Make sure you get adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals and water.

    We can regenerate the world and live here peacefully. But we have to break our addiction to violence. Peace and Love to all of you.



      Time in the brain

      The idea that calendars are literally laid out in space for some people suggests that we are all hardwired to some extent to map time in space.

      The concepts of time and numbers are something we acquired relatively recently in our evolutionary history, says Ramachandran, but the brain wouldn’t have had time to evolve a specific area to deal with it.

      “Given the opportunistic nature of evolution, perhaps the most convenient way to represent the abstract idea of sequences of numbers and time might have been to map them onto a preexisting map of visual space, already present in the brain,” he says.

      Indeed, imaging scans show connections between areas of the brain involved in numbers and those involved with mapping the world, memories and our sense of self. The team suggest that when these areas act together, they enable us to navigate mentally through space and time, while being firmly anchored in the present.

      Ramachandran suggests that for calendar synaesthetes, altered groups of genes may prevent pruning of connections between these areas during development, making the more abstract concept of a calendar mapped in space, for some, a real perception.

      Journal reference: Neurocase, DOI: 10.1080/13554794.2016.1250913

      1. Thanks Carollee, I saved the
        Thanks Carollee, I saved the Graham Hancock link.

        I would say that destruction expands the fabric of space. The unitive confluence has no time or space. Time and space are a package deal, but they don’t have to be. We can move beyond time and space, into mind and spirit.

  7. Donald Trump is an outsider,
    Donald Trump is an outsider, Hillary is an insider and she had plenty of opportunities to move the UFO/ET disclosure forward but didn’t. Now she’s lost the election and is, (at least for the present), sidelined. Trump is not stupid, and I wonder how he will react when he is presented on his first day as President the facts about the biggest secret of the age.
    Here is my scenario:

    Mr. Obama greets Mr. Trump in the Oval Office after the Inauguration, for the traditional private meeting all former and new Presidents have. From behind Mr. Obama two beings come forward toward the new President.

    One of the beings is holding a shining wand in her hand …

  8. Donald Trump is an outsider,
    Donald Trump is an outsider, Hillary is an insider and she had plenty of opportunities to move the UFO/ET disclosure forward but didn’t. Now she’s lost the election and is, (at least for the present), sidelined. Trump is not stupid, and I wonder how he will react when he is presented on his first day as President the facts about the biggest secret of the age.
    Here is my scenario:

    Mr. Obama greets Mr. Trump in the Oval Office after the Inauguration, for the traditional private meeting all former and new Presidents have. From behind Mr. Obama two beings come forward toward the new President.

    One of the beings is holding a shining wand in her hand …

  9. Donald, an outsider?
    Donald, an outsider? Hillary, an insider? 0h dear, how upside-down is that? Seems that a lot of people bought that BS hook, line, and sinker. The Republicans even got behind her “in the end” to demonstrate so solidly that Hillary was an “insider” and Donald was an “outsider”. The American people got had . . . and I can hear the laughter coming from the victors as they nod and wink about the “gullible”, “unevolved”. and “politically ignorant/unsophisticated” American public (on all sides of the political spectrum) that are, without question, incapable of governing themselves. How better to prove to themselves that Most people need to be led by someone from the upper classes. Trump voters may not be the first to find out they’ve been had … but I have a feeling they are not going to be happy with The Donald when they do figure it out. Hopefully, they will be resilient enough (at that time) to be able to pick themselves up off the floor and move forward.

    1. How are the American people
      How are the American people supposed to “govern themselves”?

  10. Donald, an outsider?
    Donald, an outsider? Hillary, an insider? 0h dear, how upside-down is that? Seems that a lot of people bought that BS hook, line, and sinker. The Republicans even got behind her “in the end” to demonstrate so solidly that Hillary was an “insider” and Donald was an “outsider”. The American people got had . . . and I can hear the laughter coming from the victors as they nod and wink about the “gullible”, “unevolved”. and “politically ignorant/unsophisticated” American public (on all sides of the political spectrum) that are, without question, incapable of governing themselves. How better to prove to themselves that Most people need to be led by someone from the upper classes. Trump voters may not be the first to find out they’ve been had … but I have a feeling they are not going to be happy with The Donald when they do figure it out. Hopefully, they will be resilient enough (at that time) to be able to pick themselves up off the floor and move forward.

    1. How are the American people
      How are the American people supposed to “govern themselves”?

  11. Mace, I have always wondered
    Mace, I have always wondered if there is an opposite force to Entropy with its often catastrophic dispersion.

    The Undeniable Drive to Life with the equally opposite effect of unbridled Joy?

    I don’t remember that being covered in any of my science classes from so long ago now, but I like to think about it anyway. :0)

    Anyhow, besides the point. I stand with the visitors message, Whitley and Anne’s message, and all the choir that brings so many enlightened voices on Unknown Country.

    With love and gratitude.

    1. Thank You, More Light. I
      Thank You, More Light. I believe that the unification of forces can lead to a more peaceful world.

  12. Mace, I have always wondered
    Mace, I have always wondered if there is an opposite force to Entropy with its often catastrophic dispersion.

    The Undeniable Drive to Life with the equally opposite effect of unbridled Joy?

    I don’t remember that being covered in any of my science classes from so long ago now, but I like to think about it anyway. :0)

    Anyhow, besides the point. I stand with the visitors message, Whitley and Anne’s message, and all the choir that brings so many enlightened voices on Unknown Country.

    With love and gratitude.

    1. Thank You, More Light. I
      Thank You, More Light. I believe that the unification of forces can lead to a more peaceful world.

  13. at our present state of
    at our present state of understanding and consciousness, much like they way toddlers govern themselves I would guess

  14. at our present state of
    at our present state of understanding and consciousness, much like they way toddlers govern themselves I would guess

  15. In important moments of
    In important moments of history the visitors pick the least of two evils every time. Is this one of those moments ?

  16. In important moments of
    In important moments of history the visitors pick the least of two evils every time. Is this one of those moments ?

  17. Only time will tell.
    Only time will tell.

    1. …or also a lack thereof?
      …or also a lack thereof? Timelessness can have just as much influence upon our reality as Time can. Like Love, we have to manifest it here.

  18. Only time will tell.
    Only time will tell.

    1. …or also a lack thereof?
      …or also a lack thereof? Timelessness can have just as much influence upon our reality as Time can. Like Love, we have to manifest it here.

  19. Another major world conflict
    Another major world conflict and we can kiss ourselves goodbye.

    1. It is essential that we stop
      It is essential that we stop the perpetuation of violence, against ourselves and the Environment. I doubt many have seen Time as a threat, but it may be. Percussive or staccato particle forms or movements tend to divide flow up, shattering and displacing it. Waveforms are a safer, more salubrious route.

      I know we live in a time element, but perhaps if we don’t recognize the role of time in our problems it will lead to our demise. I don’t have Chronophobia, but it is an issue for all of us.

  20. Another major world conflict
    Another major world conflict and we can kiss ourselves goodbye.

    1. It is essential that we stop
      It is essential that we stop the perpetuation of violence, against ourselves and the Environment. I doubt many have seen Time as a threat, but it may be. Percussive or staccato particle forms or movements tend to divide flow up, shattering and displacing it. Waveforms are a safer, more salubrious route.

      I know we live in a time element, but perhaps if we don’t recognize the role of time in our problems it will lead to our demise. I don’t have Chronophobia, but it is an issue for all of us.

  21. Hillary Clinton is the most
    Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt and avaricious American political figure since Lyndon Johnson. Her backers (the bankers who own the Federal reserve and the Bank of International Settlements, George Soros, the neocons of the American “Deep State”, etc) are all mad with desire to conquer Russia, to loot its mineral wealth and enslave its people, as they have already done with most of the rest of the world. Those who control U.S. policy from behind the scenes have caused the U.S. Military to place nuclear missiles near Russia’s border, and have done everything possible to provoke Russia into armed conflict in Syria. A nuclear conflict between the U.S. and Russia was not just a possibility, but a distinct probability, under a President Hillary. As such, she represented (and still represents!) an existential threat, not only to the United States, but to the entire world; billions would have starved to death in the aftermath of such a conflict, as the world’s two greatest breadbaskets ceased to function agriculturally and economically. Many of us in the electorate know this, and it shouldn’t be discounted as a factor in how we voted. We, as a nation, have dodged a bullet in this electoral cycle.

    I find it hard to believe that the Visitors would have wanted to see a Hillary Clinton presidency.

  22. Hillary Clinton is the most
    Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt and avaricious American political figure since Lyndon Johnson. Her backers (the bankers who own the Federal reserve and the Bank of International Settlements, George Soros, the neocons of the American “Deep State”, etc) are all mad with desire to conquer Russia, to loot its mineral wealth and enslave its people, as they have already done with most of the rest of the world. Those who control U.S. policy from behind the scenes have caused the U.S. Military to place nuclear missiles near Russia’s border, and have done everything possible to provoke Russia into armed conflict in Syria. A nuclear conflict between the U.S. and Russia was not just a possibility, but a distinct probability, under a President Hillary. As such, she represented (and still represents!) an existential threat, not only to the United States, but to the entire world; billions would have starved to death in the aftermath of such a conflict, as the world’s two greatest breadbaskets ceased to function agriculturally and economically. Many of us in the electorate know this, and it shouldn’t be discounted as a factor in how we voted. We, as a nation, have dodged a bullet in this electoral cycle.

    I find it hard to believe that the Visitors would have wanted to see a Hillary Clinton presidency.

  23. Well said, Whitley. I agree
    Well said, Whitley. I agree with everything except the idea that you’re a minor novelist. Your talent, character, and bravery makes you an inspiration.

  24. Well said, Whitley. I agree
    Well said, Whitley. I agree with everything except the idea that you’re a minor novelist. Your talent, character, and bravery makes you an inspiration.

  25. You should repost your 2013
    You should repost your 2013 interview with Paul Levy about Wetiko. Probably the best possible description of the current state of humanity.

  26. You should repost your 2013
    You should repost your 2013 interview with Paul Levy about Wetiko. Probably the best possible description of the current state of humanity.

  27. Eddie, why in the world would
    Eddie, why in the world would you think that this journal means that the visitors favor Hillary Clinton? I know what they DO favor, which is us taking care of ourselves and our planet. Do they even have political positions? I have no idea.

    And another thing: everybody I know who has an extreme political position always thinks that I’m on the other side. This goes for friends, family, members of this community and essentially everybody I know. This is because I am a MODERATE. That is to say, somebody who seeks toward the middle way.

    As a moderate, I’m hopeful that the new president will grow into the job and make a success of his term in office.

  28. Eddie, why in the world would
    Eddie, why in the world would you think that this journal means that the visitors favor Hillary Clinton? I know what they DO favor, which is us taking care of ourselves and our planet. Do they even have political positions? I have no idea.

    And another thing: everybody I know who has an extreme political position always thinks that I’m on the other side. This goes for friends, family, members of this community and essentially everybody I know. This is because I am a MODERATE. That is to say, somebody who seeks toward the middle way.

    As a moderate, I’m hopeful that the new president will grow into the job and make a success of his term in office.

  29. That’s a good idea, Jocus.
    That’s a good idea, Jocus. Maybe I’ll revisit and do another Dream with him. It’s a good time. Of course, as subscribers you can always listen. Just go to the advanced search engine (gold O+) click on Dreamland and input Wetiko to search quickly.

    Or use this link:


  30. That’s a good idea, Jocus.
    That’s a good idea, Jocus. Maybe I’ll revisit and do another Dream with him. It’s a good time. Of course, as subscribers you can always listen. Just go to the advanced search engine (gold O+) click on Dreamland and input Wetiko to search quickly.

    Or use this link:


  31. Up until this election cycle,
    Up until this election cycle, I always considered myself a middle of the road moderate. Suffice to say that I have posted a few anti-Trump comments here. Let me say that I am torn between fear of Trump doing what he has promised(threatened?)and what I hope is some sort of reconciliation. Seeing that he has mentioned Romney as a potential member of his cabinet, as well as some of his other opponents, I hope that is a signal that Trump will not go to extremes. However, I sadly admit that I am not optimistic, but would love to be wrong.


  32. Up until this election cycle,
    Up until this election cycle, I always considered myself a middle of the road moderate. Suffice to say that I have posted a few anti-Trump comments here. Let me say that I am torn between fear of Trump doing what he has promised(threatened?)and what I hope is some sort of reconciliation. Seeing that he has mentioned Romney as a potential member of his cabinet, as well as some of his other opponents, I hope that is a signal that Trump will not go to extremes. However, I sadly admit that I am not optimistic, but would love to be wrong.


  33. Eddie my post only refers to
    Eddie my post only refers to obvious changes in thinking and ideas. Joan of arc is a good example she found a “magical sword” under some guidance. At the time she led a rebellion. That eventually changed many things on both sides of the political religious fence. I have no idea one way or the other about the 2016 election. History will show us in the end. If this election was important in the visitors eyes you can bet “They” will have a hand in this process…. what ever happens . Whether we perceive it as a bad idea at the time or not.

    In my second post, my personal thoughts are only based in damage to the worlds ecosystems. They are pushed to the limit already. If we were to have another world war nukes or no nukes the pollution to the environment will see the end of mankind on planet earth.

  34. Eddie my post only refers to
    Eddie my post only refers to obvious changes in thinking and ideas. Joan of arc is a good example she found a “magical sword” under some guidance. At the time she led a rebellion. That eventually changed many things on both sides of the political religious fence. I have no idea one way or the other about the 2016 election. History will show us in the end. If this election was important in the visitors eyes you can bet “They” will have a hand in this process…. what ever happens . Whether we perceive it as a bad idea at the time or not.

    In my second post, my personal thoughts are only based in damage to the worlds ecosystems. They are pushed to the limit already. If we were to have another world war nukes or no nukes the pollution to the environment will see the end of mankind on planet earth.

  35. I must say that was the
    I must say that was the craziest U.S election I’ve ever witnessed. Apparently Kayne West wants to in 2020 and my wife hopes that George Clooney will to. But in Australia we vote people in for 3 years and somehow they last only 1-1.5. So politically its fun times all around the world.

  36. I must say that was the
    I must say that was the craziest U.S election I’ve ever witnessed. Apparently Kayne West wants to in 2020 and my wife hopes that George Clooney will to. But in Australia we vote people in for 3 years and somehow they last only 1-1.5. So politically its fun times all around the world.

  37. ^ The differences between the
    ^ The differences between the 2 worlds described in Hopi Prophecy has never been more apparent. While a definitive splitting has not taken place yet, one can see the divisions and the outcomes of those divisions. In a sense, for many of us, we can create a safe harbor amidst the chaos if we do not give into feelings which promote more division. Trump and the TeaParty will have their day. It is time For those of US who believe in Stronger Together to walk their Talk … do not let fear tie you to its world. It is not for you. Try not to be misled by the well-meaning misled. Keep an open mind and follow your heart. Nature is more forgiving to those who love — especially when the souls and bodies of their own kind abandon them.

  38. ^ The differences between the
    ^ The differences between the 2 worlds described in Hopi Prophecy has never been more apparent. While a definitive splitting has not taken place yet, one can see the divisions and the outcomes of those divisions. In a sense, for many of us, we can create a safe harbor amidst the chaos if we do not give into feelings which promote more division. Trump and the TeaParty will have their day. It is time For those of US who believe in Stronger Together to walk their Talk … do not let fear tie you to its world. It is not for you. Try not to be misled by the well-meaning misled. Keep an open mind and follow your heart. Nature is more forgiving to those who love — especially when the souls and bodies of their own kind abandon them.

  39. The visitors are here to take
    The visitors are here to take our DNA and create alien hybrids & Hubrids until they get it right. They are released into the population to slowly populate our planet until any vestige of humanity is GONE. Simple take over. Its the reason for the abductions and the secrecy. Please stop sugar coating them.

  40. The visitors are here to take
    The visitors are here to take our DNA and create alien hybrids & Hubrids until they get it right. They are released into the population to slowly populate our planet until any vestige of humanity is GONE. Simple take over. Its the reason for the abductions and the secrecy. Please stop sugar coating them.

  41. Kind of surprised to not see
    Kind of surprised to not see any reference to Wikileaks, Clinton’s demonstrable corruption and, more importantly, John Podesta emails which imply his apparent insider knowledge regarding both UFO’s and the occult but also being tied to what seems to be a child-trafficking / porn-ring made up of DC insiders in what has become known as “Pizzagate”.

    This all comes at a time of massive child pornography rings being busted, Anthony Wiener’s laptop being confiscated after a sexting scandal and “twittergate” in which thousands of child porn accounts were discovered by an investigative user who was summarily Banned when he turned them into twitter (the child porn accounts are still up) .

    Everyone should go look at ALL the evidence and ignore the ‘fake news’ coverage by NY times and others which whitewashes the story and under-reports the details. Explore this rabbit hole at your own risk however, it’s very upsetting and you will likely stumble upon very disturbing images, email conversations and Instagram comments.

    P.S. I am not a fan of Trump or any “strong man” messiah figures and find much of what he promises be disturbing -but! if you think Hillary Clinton isn’t corrupt you have a lot of reading to do.

  42. Kind of surprised to not see
    Kind of surprised to not see any reference to Wikileaks, Clinton’s demonstrable corruption and, more importantly, John Podesta emails which imply his apparent insider knowledge regarding both UFO’s and the occult but also being tied to what seems to be a child-trafficking / porn-ring made up of DC insiders in what has become known as “Pizzagate”.

    This all comes at a time of massive child pornography rings being busted, Anthony Wiener’s laptop being confiscated after a sexting scandal and “twittergate” in which thousands of child porn accounts were discovered by an investigative user who was summarily Banned when he turned them into twitter (the child porn accounts are still up) .

    Everyone should go look at ALL the evidence and ignore the ‘fake news’ coverage by NY times and others which whitewashes the story and under-reports the details. Explore this rabbit hole at your own risk however, it’s very upsetting and you will likely stumble upon very disturbing images, email conversations and Instagram comments.

    P.S. I am not a fan of Trump or any “strong man” messiah figures and find much of what he promises be disturbing -but! if you think Hillary Clinton isn’t corrupt you have a lot of reading to do.

  43. Plus_Ultra
    That whole Podesta


    That whole Podesta thing looking into UFO’s. Bad timing for some, especially the UFO community with the hope that he was going to change anything. More the case of the Visitors saying “Take a look at this guy before you worry about us”.

  44. Plus_Ultra
    That whole Podesta


    That whole Podesta thing looking into UFO’s. Bad timing for some, especially the UFO community with the hope that he was going to change anything. More the case of the Visitors saying “Take a look at this guy before you worry about us”.

  45. Okay, so President Hoodwinkle
    Okay, so President Hoodwinkle gets up on the podium, announces to the world that we’re not alone.

    Suddenly, it’s not even this bizarre parade of passive-aggressive, neck-tied sociopaths we call our government, but the same bunch of loopers who voted them all in… following them around parroting and distorting opinions, interpretations, etc.

    Militia, wacky religious revivals…

    Look, I personally couldn’t care less if the government had anything to say about it at all, and would rather it all remained underground, where, at very least, the concern and desire to understand is genuine.

    Anyone who has had a real close encounter experience knows full and well that, were the same thing to happen to the voting constituency, en masse, the world would be plunged into utter chaos.

    Sheer pandemonium …defined.

    Why not just spray angel dust on everyone?

  46. Okay, so President Hoodwinkle
    Okay, so President Hoodwinkle gets up on the podium, announces to the world that we’re not alone.

    Suddenly, it’s not even this bizarre parade of passive-aggressive, neck-tied sociopaths we call our government, but the same bunch of loopers who voted them all in… following them around parroting and distorting opinions, interpretations, etc.

    Militia, wacky religious revivals…

    Look, I personally couldn’t care less if the government had anything to say about it at all, and would rather it all remained underground, where, at very least, the concern and desire to understand is genuine.

    Anyone who has had a real close encounter experience knows full and well that, were the same thing to happen to the voting constituency, en masse, the world would be plunged into utter chaos.

    Sheer pandemonium …defined.

    Why not just spray angel dust on everyone?

  47. So are they here? Working

    So are they here? Working with the government? Is Mufon correct or silly?
    I heard a speaker at our local event center David Jacobs who has used regressive hypnotism to gather evidence. It claims the Hubrids are now here and abductees are being used to train them to our ways? Is any of this true? Makes sense in a 1950’s sort of take over the world plot? He mentions nothing of the dead or our souls?

  48. So are they here? Working

    So are they here? Working with the government? Is Mufon correct or silly?
    I heard a speaker at our local event center David Jacobs who has used regressive hypnotism to gather evidence. It claims the Hubrids are now here and abductees are being used to train them to our ways? Is any of this true? Makes sense in a 1950’s sort of take over the world plot? He mentions nothing of the dead or our souls?

  49. There are a lot of claims out

    There are a lot of claims out there. Most of them would appear to be pretty much unproven.

    My experience of the visitors was originally with the grays. Now it is with the small, dark blue figures that came with them, who in those early days I referred to as “the good army.” They are tough cookies, for sure, but I have come to honor them deeply. I have come to suspect that they are human, not from another world but rather a different state of being. I also believe that their primary concern is the soul.

    I don’t know if they are political or not. I have often wondered if something might trigger an emergence into our level. If so, that is going to be a real challenge.

  50. There are a lot of claims out

    There are a lot of claims out there. Most of them would appear to be pretty much unproven.

    My experience of the visitors was originally with the grays. Now it is with the small, dark blue figures that came with them, who in those early days I referred to as “the good army.” They are tough cookies, for sure, but I have come to honor them deeply. I have come to suspect that they are human, not from another world but rather a different state of being. I also believe that their primary concern is the soul.

    I don’t know if they are political or not. I have often wondered if something might trigger an emergence into our level. If so, that is going to be a real challenge.

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