We’re in the middle of one of the most extraordinary 12 months in the modern history of weather. Right now, a huge solar storm is brewing on the far side of the sun. For the past few years, the number of strong earthquakes has been rising. Due to climate problems, food production is faltering and there is unrest and upheaval in more countries every day.

So I have been asking myself, is 2012 for real? I have had a lot of difficulty believing that some sort of magical event will take place on December 21, 2012, and I still expect to wake up on December 22 more or less unchanged. But I am beginning to think that there might be something in the idea that the year itself has great historical importance. Understand, I think that we will probably still be here in January of 2013, but this world is changing too dramatically in too many different ways right now for the 2012 warning to be considered entirely irrelevant.

It is clear to me from the many remains of extraordinary engineering that are found around the world that somebody in the distant past had knowledge that was far in advance of what we might expect. Just one artifact, the Antikythera Device, displays metal working skills so advanced that they we were not able to duplicate them until about 250 years ago. But the Antikytheria device is at least 2,500 years old. So who made it? What other devices might they have created? And how did they do it?

As I have pointed out in my book the Path, the Marseilles Tarot reveals a very sophisticated and subtle outline of the course of a human life. The mind that created it was also highly sophisticated. In fact, I doubt that any modern intellectual could do it.

I won’t discuss in detail the evidence that an advanced level of human thought existed in the deep past, beyond saying that there are too many suggestions of its presence to dismiss it.

But how deep was their understanding? Could somebody in the past have anticipated what is happening now, and communicated this in various ways?

We are moving from one astrological sign to the next at the same time that the 2012 prophecy is approaching. To be specific, we are moving from an orderly sign, Pisces, to a more chaotic one, Aquarius. We are also coming up against the limits of the planet to sustain us, with consequences that we can see all around us, as people react to the threat of starvation with elemental fury.

Where will all this lead? Certainly to great change. Did the past correctly predict the end of our age? Only time will tell, but one would have to be very foolish to ignore the possibility.

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  1. To your list we could add the
    To your list we could add the other, possibly apocalyptic events of sudden magnetic pole shift, asteroid impact, and nuclear war. My guess is that if the ancients actually knew humanity would end late in 2012, it was not due to nuclear war, earthquakes or an asteroid strike, or even man-made climate change, but rather something to do with galactic alignment and/or solar and planetary cycles, involving energies that would be hopeless to oppose. If that turns out to come to pass, there’s really nothing we can do, other than maybe appeal to the visitors to intervene and evacuate some portion of humanity (but to what kind of future?) None of this means we shouldn’t try to fix all our other problems ourselves, including climate change, war, overpopulation, etc., because like you I suspect most of us will still be here ringing in New Years of 2013. Also like you, though, I’m growing less sure about that. The recent, unexplained wildlife deaths are very disturbing, to give a primary example of things making me more uneasy.

  2. To your list we could add the
    To your list we could add the other, possibly apocalyptic events of sudden magnetic pole shift, asteroid impact, and nuclear war. My guess is that if the ancients actually knew humanity would end late in 2012, it was not due to nuclear war, earthquakes or an asteroid strike, or even man-made climate change, but rather something to do with galactic alignment and/or solar and planetary cycles, involving energies that would be hopeless to oppose. If that turns out to come to pass, there’s really nothing we can do, other than maybe appeal to the visitors to intervene and evacuate some portion of humanity (but to what kind of future?) None of this means we shouldn’t try to fix all our other problems ourselves, including climate change, war, overpopulation, etc., because like you I suspect most of us will still be here ringing in New Years of 2013. Also like you, though, I’m growing less sure about that. The recent, unexplained wildlife deaths are very disturbing, to give a primary example of things making me more uneasy.

  3. I agree! I think it is also
    I agree! I think it is also very interesting to read prophetic sections of the Bible about
    signs of the end times. Daniel, for instance, said that in the end times, knowledge would be “greatly increased” and people would be running to and fro….Newton took that to mean that in the end times, people would be traveling at speeds in
    excess of 30 miles an hour—which got a sneering rebuke from Voltaire, the atheist, who said, “Look what a fool Christianity makes of a great mind…” Also interesting in the same
    way are the continuing discoveries of the Bible Code and it’s predictions. Those
    decipherments are being made, not by the religious right (which I have great problems with myself) but by Jewish mathematicians in Israel. Too many unusual
    scientific rarities are afoot, to say nothing of the international chaos to say it’s just
    another day on planet earth.

  4. I agree! I think it is also
    I agree! I think it is also very interesting to read prophetic sections of the Bible about
    signs of the end times. Daniel, for instance, said that in the end times, knowledge would be “greatly increased” and people would be running to and fro….Newton took that to mean that in the end times, people would be traveling at speeds in
    excess of 30 miles an hour—which got a sneering rebuke from Voltaire, the atheist, who said, “Look what a fool Christianity makes of a great mind…” Also interesting in the same
    way are the continuing discoveries of the Bible Code and it’s predictions. Those
    decipherments are being made, not by the religious right (which I have great problems with myself) but by Jewish mathematicians in Israel. Too many unusual
    scientific rarities are afoot, to say nothing of the international chaos to say it’s just
    another day on planet earth.

  5. Could it be something as
    Could it be something as simple as a pole shift?

  6. Could it be something as
    Could it be something as simple as a pole shift?

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