In India:  a team of theoretical physicists have an idea that may allow for the construction of a “stable” artificial wormhole, a potential shortcut through space/time that might allow travelers to cover interstellar distances in a mere instance. More formally known as an Einstein-Rosen bridge, a wormhole is the linkingread more

A new and somewhat radical theory has been proposed by an international group of researchers, in that the center of the Milky Way galaxy might turn out to be a giant wormhole, with the mouth of the wormhole possibly spanning the breadth of the entire galaxy.
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Have you ever regretted a missed opportunity to send a message to someone? Did you think that your life may well have been different if you had communicated certain things, and you would give anything to re-live that moment again?

According to scientists from Jesus College, Cambridge, U.K., you may get your chance to right the wrongs of the past – in the future.
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The speed of light may be the key to our getting off this planet. NASA physicist Harold G. White and his team are trying to determine whether faster-than-light travel–a "Star Trek"-type warp drive–might someday be possible (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). In the July 23rd edition of the New York Times, Danny Hakim quotes White as saying, "Space has been expanding since the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago, and we know that when you look at some of the cosmology models, there were early periods of the universe where there was explosive inflation, where two points would’ve gone receding away from each other at very rapid speeds.
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