You’re on the new Unknowncountry website. It offers much more visibility for our vast offering, and many new and easier ways to navigate, as well as a powerful new search engine. You’ll find a new ability to report sightings and encounters, and enjoy much easier free Dreamland and Revelations listening. The new "Strange Days" section offers a new strange story about each day of the year. The Out There section will now be more video oriented, and content will be graded A–probably true,  B–likely true, C–likely hoax, D–probable hoax.

Subscribers can now add their comments to all content, and there is a new monthly subscription at $3.95, in addition to our longer offerings. read more

Over the past thirty days, reached another all-time record in hits: 13,004,308. Yes, you read that right–thirteen million! That averages out to 419,493 hits a day. You also spent an average of nine minutes on the site each time you came, which is up again from last period and way above average for websites.

This means that you find the site interesting, which makes us glad because we do, too! We promise to continue our unique formula of presenting stories that are on the credible edge, or are being ignored by the mainstream, because this is what you like to get and what we like to deliver.
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