A UFO that was extensively videotaped over Turkey may have now been videotaped over London.

In January of 2008, a night watchman in Kumburgaz, Turkey, videotaped a UFO with a distinctive stepped edge. The sighting and the video were investigated and confirmed by Turkish UFO expert Haktan Akdogan, who has kept the world informed about the incredible UFO activity in that country.

Then, on February 27, University Of Exeter academic Karolina-Slavka Mueller took a picture of the London Ferris Wheel at 3:50 AM, and, to her surprise, discovered a large UFO in the picture when she looked at it. She had not noticed it while taking the picture.
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Whitley will be on the first hour of Coast to Coast AM tonight with George Noory to discuss the question of whether the February international UFO meeting did?or did not?take place. He will soon talk about this subject on Dreamland with reporter Leslie Kean!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

update – The sensational story that a meeting had taken place at the United Nations among the G8 countries concerning a possible change to a policy of disclosure in 2009 now may have been, according to the president of the French national UFO research organization, “a fiction.”
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The government meeting on UFO disclosure that Whitley wrote about in his latest journal took place at the United Nations on February 12-14 and involved a number of representatives from the G8 countries, the papacy and three US senators.

Representatives of the US Air Force and the US National Guard were in attendance as well. The meeting was instigated by the senators because of the high level of UFO activity now being seen in the world.

At the meeting, it was decided to consider changing the approach to this matter in 2009 if sightings continue at their present high rate. Specifically, it would be stated that UFOs represent a genuine unknown that is worthy of scientific study, and they may well be guided by a non-human intelligence.
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