Human beings are SWARMING with bacteria: Even the average healthy adult plays host to about 100 trillion microscopic organisms. Infection takes place when the bacteria get out of hand?especially when they become superbugs. But help is at hand: Mud may be coming to a drug store near you?but not just any mud: special GREEN mud.

Researcher Lester A. Mitscher is calling for the development of more potent antibiotics necessary for humanity to manage drug-resistant breeds of microbes. He says, “Antibiotics are essentially selective poisons that kill bacteria and that do not kill us.”
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UPDATE: High School inspections – Recent headlines on mainstream media have announced that there are antibiotic-resistant superbugs out there that are worse than AIDS. Is this true–and if so, how can we protect ourselves against them?

Researchers at the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) and Prevention stated that invasive infections with MRSA could have mortality rates that would exceed those attributed to HIV/AIDS, emphysema, and even homicide. Scientists have discovered a strain of bacteria that can cause ear infections in children that is resistant to all FDA-approved antibiotics for the treatment of ear infections.

What can we do? Believe it or not, one of the BEST things to do is to wash your hands, and make sure your kids do too!read more

Cattle in this country are fed corn, which upsets their stomachs, so they are given antibiotics, which end up in the beef we eat. Fertilizer made from the manure from these cattle?and other food animals treated with antibiotics?may also put antibiotics into the vegetables we eat. The danger in all this is that it could lead to antibiotic-resistant superbugs.

The USDA has been evaluating the impact of antibiotic feeding in livestock production on the environment, trying to figure out whether food crops accumulate antibiotics from soils spread with manure that contains antibiotics. The irony is that it’s organic farming that relies most heavily on manure fertilizer. In fact, it’s mandated if vegetables are labeled “organic.”
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The Japanese discovered how to make people invisible. Now some UK scientists have discovered how to make objects?especially military objects?invisible as well. And a new gown could protect you from getting a superbug, the next time you’re in the hospital.

The researchers have created a device that can reroute certain wavelengths of light, so that they are forced around objects they don?t want you to see. In, Ker Than quotes engineer David Smith as saying, “The microwaves come in and are swept around the cloak and reconstructed on the other side while avoiding the interior region, so it looks as if they just passed through free space.”
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