Whitley’s book 2012: The War For Souls involved the inter-dimensional invasion of a parallel Earth that had a number of marked differences from our own, including one departure where that Earth had two moons. However, as life sometimes imitates art, our own reality has taken an odd step toward being a bit more like Two-Moon Earth, in that it has been found that we have a second natural "quasi-satellite" accompanying our previously solitary Moon.
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Following the recent unveiling of evidence that there is an object in the outer reaches of the solar system large enough to affect the orbits of known planetoids, researchers have started looking for more clues as to where the elusive Planet Nine might be found. One of these new investigations was conducted by Matthew J. Holman and Matthew J. Payne of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, using data on the position of the Cassini space probe orbiting Saturn. They used that positioning data to look for purbutations in the probe’s orbit to look for the potential influence of an unaccounted-for large gravitational body.
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Of all of the sources of images of potentially anomalous objects, video feeds from orbiting NASA spacecraft have provided a treasure trove of images and video for UFO hunters. Ultimately, the data that comes from our space agencies is also controlled and can be censored by said agencies, a fact that can potentially hinder civilian efforts to discover anomalous images. But what if someone were to bypass the middleman, and gather data from orbit on their own?
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Circling high above us in space, a mysterious object is being tracked by the US military. The strange object, which has been entitled Object 2014-28E, was secretly launched in May by the Russian military, but nobody knows its purpose and so far Moscow’s ministry of defence is remaining tight-lipped.

2014-28E first came to the attention of the world when it was sighted recently by amateur astronomers. It was initially thought to be space debris originally sent into space by Russia to add communication satellites to existing military space hardware, but its behavior has since been so unorthodox that there are now concerns that it could form part of a more sinister plan, concerns fuelled by the fact that Russia did not declare its launch.
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