Let us know – As we move to our new Unknowncountry.com website, we are considering changing to the Paypal subscription management system. This would mean that, when your current subscription runs out, you would renew through Paypal rather than through our current system. Other than that, there would be no change in your logon or subscriber experience. You could keep your current username and password. So, how do you feel abouta move to PayPal? Let us know by entering the subscriber section today and clicking on one of the answers in the poll, which appears on the subscriber homepage.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

A small number of users repeat voted in our current pollabout John Kerry and the Swiftboat Ads. Oddly, a few of themrepeated on both sides of the question, but by far thelargest number of repeat votes were in favor of Kerry beinga liar. We have adjusted the poll to remove most of theserepeats, and, when it was adjusted, it appeared that you aredivided over Kerry’s record in about the same way as thecountry as a whole. We will install poll software that willmake it harder to repeat votes, so that this sort of abusewill not recur. To vote in our current poll (once, please!) click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

In our last poll, we asked you, “How has your weather changed?” This time we’re asking you “What are your politics?” (All replies are anonymous). We list almost every political affiliation possible, but you can check “Other” as well. As for weather, 48% say it’s “Somewhat more violent and changeable,” 25% say it’s “About the same,” 20% say it’s “Much more violent and changeable,” 6% says it’s “Quieter and more stable” and 1% say it’s “Exceptionally stable.” This isn’t surprising, since global warming affects different regions in different ways.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

In our current poll, we’re asking you your religion. Remember, all answers are anonymous, so you can be honest. Last time, we asked for your opinion on Whitley’s Easter journal entry on faith. Now Whitley has a new meditation for subscribers that is designed to enable communication with other levels of reality. This unusual and powerful meditation is the first of a series that will provide communications tools that have worked for Whitley over the eighteen years of his close encounter and contact experience.
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