A recent survey by divorce lawyers found that one in 5 divorces in the US were triggered by Facebook because a rising number of people are using social media to engage in extramarital affairs. Networking sites may be great for meeting someone, but once you’re married, maybe you should close your computer!
Men who used to surreptitiously surf porn sites are now meeting women online instead. On a social network, you can be who you want to be (a CEO instead of an office worker) and this kind of stimulus raises male testosterone levels, leading to trouble for married men.
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Having more than one wife is a fantasy of many Western males, but polygamy in humans or elsewhere in nature isn’t necessarily good for all the males involved. For instance, polygamy practiced by some 19th century Mormon men had the curious effect of suppressing the number of children born to Mormon women in plural marriages: The more "sister-wives" a Mormon woman had, the fewer children of her own she was likely to produce. This doesn’t seem to be a problem for modern day Muslims, who are allowed to have 4 wives, since worldwide Muslim populations are burgeoning.
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Married people may think they communicate well with their partners, but psychologists have found that they don’t always convey messages to their loved ones as well as they think–and in some cases, the spouses communicate no better than strangers.
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On Valentine’s Day, it’s good to know that humans aren’t the only creatures who court: fruit flies fall in love too! Scientists have taken an important step toward understanding human mating behavior by showing that certain of their genes become activated when they interact with the opposite sex, meaning that courtship behaviors may be far more influenced by genetics than previously thought (are men PROGRAMMED to buy their girlfriends flowers?)
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