There’s not only a wage gap in the US, there’s also a "marriage gap." In a striking reversal of historic trends, highly educated Americans are embracing a pro-marriage mindset even as Middle Americans are losing faith in marriage. Drawing on the latest national data, a new report concludes that marriage is in trouble among so-called "Middle Americans," defined as the 58% of adults who have a high school diploma and possibly some post-secondary education, but no four-year college degree. New data indicate that trends in single parenthood, divorce and marital quality in Middle America increasingly resemble those of the poor, many marriages are more

Which is more stressful? – Before you become entangled, ask yourself: What’s love got to do with it? (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). Think marriage is stressful? New studies show that NOT being married (or in a committed relationship) is even MORE stressful. But falling in love comes at the cost of losing two close friends.
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Is it natural? – Is this some kind of strange conspiracy? Scientists are studying monogamy because they want to know why couples do (or don’t) stay together for a long time. They’ve found some frogs that might show them the answers.

The first monogamous amphibian, the Peruvian poison frog) has been discovered living in the rainforest of South America. In this species, male and females remain utterly faithful. This is due to just one thing: the tiny pools of water in which they raise tadpoles prevents the frogs from straying.
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How are marriages holding up in this recession? The holiday season, filled as it is with family, is a particularly tough time to have empty pockets.

It’s an especially bad time to be a working-class man with no college education. Such men have borne the brunt of job losses since 2007, and new research finds that men are 61% less likely to be happy in a marriage if they work fewer hours than their wives. Meanwhile, women’s contributions to family earnings leapt during the first year of the recession, marking the largest single-year increase in the past decade.
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