A new study of interracial marriages in the United States since the 1980s suggests that the racial boundary between blacks and whites continues to break down–but is not yet close to disappearing. And sociologists have some advice for single black women who want to marry: If a black marriage partner is hard to find, they should look for a white spouse, as there is no longer a significant social barrier to interracial marriage.
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Some people say marriage makes you fat, while others say it trims you down. It turns out BOTH are right.

According to a new study, both marriage and divorce can act as "weight shocks," leading people to add a few extra pounds– especially among those over age 30.

But when it comes to large weight gains, the effects of marital transitions are quite different for men than they are for women. For men, the risk of a large weight gain increased most prominently after a divorce. But for women, the risk of a large weight gain was most likely after marriage.
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