Leslie Kean, the famed author of the New York Time bestseller "UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record," has just published a remarkable and definitive new book, "Surviving Death: a Journalist Investigates Evidence of the Afterlife."

As Whitley is in regular contact with his wife Anne, who transitioned in August of 2015, this is one completely extraordinary interview. Listen as Whitley (and Anne!) speak with Leslie about her expertly researched book and the tremendous personal adventure she has had creating it.
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First, famed UFO journalist Leslie Kean offers insight into the extraordinary UFO video just released by the Chilean Navy and why the claim that it is a jet contrail cannot be true. Leslie can be reached on FaceBook, and be sure to make a visit to UFOData.net. If we ever want to advance UFO study into the mainstream, the UFOData approach is where to start!
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