Whitley Strieber and Jim Marrs go deeper into the issue of censorship. Whitley tells the chilling story of what Parade Magazine did to him prior to the publication of Confirmation. His description of what it was like to give a talk at the Pentagon bookstore, literally TO a group of people who were probably behind this vicious and destructive act, is completely unforgettable. And Jim tells us just what has been censored in his own work. Then they BOTH describe their upcoming, earth-shattering books–which are coming out at a time when people finally have ears to hear the voices that have for so many years been crying in the desert.
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Jim Marrs, who is no stranger to having his books censored, interviews Whitley Strieber about the censorship of the Key. Find out exactly what the censor was trying to do by eliminating and changing the parts that he did, and get an inside look at what the sinister forces that run our world DON’T want us to know. The discovery of this sabotage has shone an incredible light on just what it is hoped will remain hidden from us, and now we know exactly what that is, and it is CHILLING what they don’t want us to know. And who are they? Whitley and Jim will be discussing that, too.
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…And Jim Marrs, this week’s Dreamland host and author of "The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy," ought to know! Banks aren’t just giving you credit scores, they are issuing their customers "bank-depositor behavior score," based on your bank balances, deposit records and withdrawal activity. Banks are nervous about making loans, so they are checking out applicants carefully first by looking at your buying habits and your records of rent, utility and credit card payments. And if you pay your rent in cash, you may look like a deadbeat to your bank.read more

Jim Marrs has been interviewing experts about the contrail that rose from the sea 35 miles off the coast of Los Angeles on November 8, and he is convinced that it was a missile. He has even learned the probable type of missile involved. So far, the FAA has not taken the simple step of announcing exactly which flight created the contrail. Is this because of indifference to public concerns, or is it because it would turn out that no flight was actually in the area at the time?read more