Janet Colli has worked with many close encounter witnesses, helping them through their trauma. Here, she demonstrates what an initial session by interviewing Whitley Strieber as if he was a first time patient. Explore this intimate and very private encounter between this skilled therapist and the world’s best known close encounter witness.

Janet’s website is SacredEncounters.com.
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Human beings are deeply sensitive. You are. As a result, we are all traumatized. Janet Collie brings her great wisdom and wealth of experience treating every kind of trauma to this deeply freeing interview. You can transcend your trauma.
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Many a close encounter witness has asked himself the question: should I trust my story to a psychologist. At Unknowncountry.com, we’re constantly asked for references to professionals who can help with the trauma and confusion associated with the close encounter experience. We always answer the same way: seek out a licensed professional in your area and interview them! We cannot offer specific recommendations, but Janet Colli is one psychologist who has an open-minded approach to close encounter.
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Dr. Janet Elizabeth Colli is a licensed psychotherapist who is open to treating close encounter witnesses. She is trained in and experienced with transpersonal psychology, the branch of psychology that deals with altered states and non-ordinary states. She is also a practitioner of EMDR, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, which is a treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder.

Whitley Strieber begins by describing his own first hypnosis encounter with Dr. Donald Klein, and Dr. Colli explains what Dr. Klein was doing to help him. 
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